| - Vlak na het einde van de Clone Wars was hij bij de 63 Senatoren die werden gearresteerd als supporters van de zogenaamde Jedi Rebellion.
- [Source] Grebleips est un Asogien originaire de Brodo Asogi. Il devint sénateur au Sénat Galactique durant les dernières années de la République Galactique et rejoignit la Délégation des 2000.
- Grebleipsfue el senador del planeta Brodo Asogi en la República Galáctica de los años anteriores a la Batalla de Naboo hasta poco después de la formación del Imperio Galáctico. Cuando, en 32 ABY , la Reina Amidala de Naboo pidió un Voto de No Confianza en Canciller Supremo Finis Valorum, Grebleips y su delegación estuvieron presentes, siguió en todo el Gran Cámara de Convocación. Poco antes de la Guerras Clon, Grebleips financiado un estudio extragalácticas. Como la guerra se acercaba a su fin, se convirtió en parte de los legisladores de la Delegación de los 2000 que presentó una protesta formal contra el sucesor de Valorum, Palpatine, para las acciones que consideran inconstitucional.
- Grebleips was a Male Asogian senator representing the Perinn sector in the Galactic Senate during the final years of the Galactic Republic, and later, in the Imperial Senate, in the early days of the Galactic Empire. Hailing from the planet of Brodo Asogi from 50 BBY until the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 0 BBY, following the dissolving of the Imperial Senate. In the Rebel Alliance, he served as a diplomatic advisor to Mon Mothma, the commander-in-chief of the Alliance. With the formation of the Rebel Alliance Senate in 5 ABY, Grebleips returned to his senatorial duties, in the Alliance Senate and it's successor, the New Republic Senate, for 20 more years.
- Grebleips was the male Asogian senator for the planet Brodo Asogi in the Galactic Republic from the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo until shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire. When, in 32 BBY, Queen Amidala of Naboo called for a Vote of No Confidence in Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, Grebleips and his delegation were present, joining the fracas that ensued throughout the Grand Convocation Chamber. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Grebleips was to fund an extra-galactic survey, according to the HoloNet News. As the war neared its end, he became part of the Delegation of 2000, legislators who filed a formal protest against Valorum's successor, Palpatine, for actions they perceived as unconstitutional. When Palpatine turned the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Imperia
- Categoria:RevisioneCategoria:Abbozzi Grebleips è stato il senatore rappresentante Brodo Asogi pianeta nella Repubblica Galattica dagli anni precedenti la Battaglia di Naboo fino a poco dopo la formazione dell'Impero Galattico. Quando, nel 32 BBY , la Regina Amidala di Naboo chiesto un voto di sfiducia in Cancelliere Supremo Finis Valorum, Grebleips e la sua delegazione erano presenti.