Attributes | Values |
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supports archetypes
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fr name
| - Hache Inzektor - Zektahawk
es lore
| - Sólo puedes equipar esta carta a un monstruo "Inzektor". Éste gana 1000 ATK. Cuando el monstruo equipado declara un ataque, tu adversario no puede activar Cartas Mágicas/de Trampa.
Romaji Name
| - Inzekutā no Mafu Zekutohōku
hr name
| - Inzektorska Sjekira - Zektahavk
ja lore
| - 「甲虫装機」と名のついたモンスターにのみ装備可能。装備モンスターの攻撃力・守備力は1000ポイントアップする。装備モンスターの攻撃宣言時、相手は魔法・罠カードを発動できない。
it lore
| - Equipaggia solo ad un mostro "Inzektor". Esso guadagna 1000 ATK. Quando il mostro equipaggiato dichiara un attacco, il tuo avversario non può attivare Carte Magia/Trappola.
| - Equip only to an "Inzektor" monster. It gains 1000 ATK. When the equipped monster declares an attack, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards.
it name
| - Zektahawk - Ascia Inzektor
stat change
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trans name
| - Inzektor's Demon Axe - Zektahawk
| - * Prevents activation of your opponent's Spell Cards
* Prevents activation of your opponent's Trap Cards
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ko lore
| - "인잭터" 라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터에만 장착 가능. 장착 몬스터의 공격력은 1000 포인트 올린다. 장착 몬스터의 공격 선언시, 상대는 마법 / 함정 카드를 발동할 수 없다.
de lore
| - Rüste nur ein "Insektor"-Monster mit dieser Karte aus. Es erhält 1000 ATK. Wenn das ausgerüstete Monster einen Angriff deklariert, kann dein Gegner keine Zauber-/Fallenkarten aktivieren.
ko name
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de name
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es name
| - Hacha Inzektor - Zektahalcón
fr lore
| - Équipable uniquement à un monstre "Inzektor". Il gagne 1000 ATK. Lorsque le monstre équipé déclare une attaque, votre adversaire ne peut pas activer de Cartes Magie/Piège.
card type
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effect types
| - Condition, Continuous-like, Continuous-like
database id
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| - Equips only to a specific target
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Ja Name
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is sneak peek card
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