| - A suddenly carefree Mikoto wanders the street, her strange attitude puzzling Kuroko, who even 'tests' if Mikoto is an imposter or not. Kuroko brings up the topics of clones, ending with an off-hand question of what would "Mikoto do if your own clown were to appear before you". Before Mikoto answers, the chapter cuts to a different scene, three months before, inside a research centre of Academy City. It shows a fully matured clone of Mikoto (Misaka 9982) on her 14th day since 'birth', being released from her cultivation unit by the two scientists Yumi and Eiga. She's put into Testament in order to install basic motor functions, speech and logic, but noticeably not emotions, and is given a basic health check-up. It is in this 'restoration room', she is given her first tea, given her first verbal description of the outside world and informed of the 'original', or how the scientists refer to her, the "Big Sister". The chapter ends with the scientists ordering Number 9982 to clean up a room of bloodied 'Sisters', to which Mikoto acknowledges with no emotion.