| - Since Mongi (???) have no guns, it is pretty much pointless to take them anywhere without somebody on the back seat. The vehicle overall is more dangerous to the people alcoholics driving, than the ones being attacked by it. The back seat of the Mongoose is pretty much a handlebar with grease spilled on it. And so falling off is really easy to do. Despite having no guns/armor, it can go pretty fast and can evade bad situations fairly well. Ironically, it is one of the fastest human vehicles, but running people over with it does about as much as stepping on their foot. Your best chance with the Mongoose is to just honk the horn, until the other people kill themselves.
| - Since Mongi (???) have no guns, it is pretty much pointless to take them anywhere without somebody on the back seat. The vehicle overall is more dangerous to the people alcoholics driving, than the ones being attacked by it. The back seat of the Mongoose is pretty much a handlebar with grease spilled on it. And so falling off is really easy to do. Despite having no guns/armor, it can go pretty fast and can evade bad situations fairly well. Ironically, it is one of the fastest human vehicles, but running people over with it does about as much as stepping on their foot. Your best chance with the Mongoose is to just honk the horn, until the other people kill themselves. An alternative, but somewhat basic strategy, is to turn the Mongoose into a piloted Kamikazi. This is done by getting someone to throw a Plasma Grenade on the driver, and making the driver drive into somebody, killing them both. Incredibly stupid and pointless, but effective as well. While driving a Mongoose, driving over a small bump the size of a nickel or performing a slight drift/turn will cause it to flip or spin violently out of control. You and your comrade will have to get out, flip it back over, and get back on, which is done about 4-6 times during an average trip. Of course, there is an 89.97% chance that you will be killed by someone who has chosen a much more effective vehicle, such as the Big Ugly Piglet, by the first flip-over.