| - Okay, the MonkeyCityMMORPG is a long name, so I'll shorten it to MCRPG. It is based in monkey city. These are the buildings and the level unlocked, plus the building requirements if it must be built. All bloons give $1 times level of bloon. You also get $5 an hour. Community buildings are standing. personal buildings must be built. Shack- level 1- your personal mud shack. Small, but cheap! (Actually free) Shop- level 3- buy stuff like land, darts, boosters, and items here! Dojo- level 5- train, and hopefully get items and experience! Cabin- your roomier cabin- level 8- costs 100 wood and $1,500.
| - Okay, the MonkeyCityMMORPG is a long name, so I'll shorten it to MCRPG. It is based in monkey city. These are the buildings and the level unlocked, plus the building requirements if it must be built. All bloons give $1 times level of bloon. You also get $5 an hour. Community buildings are standing. personal buildings must be built. Shack- level 1- your personal mud shack. Small, but cheap! (Actually free) Shop- level 3- buy stuff like land, darts, boosters, and items here! Dojo- level 5- train, and hopefully get items and experience! Cabin- your roomier cabin- level 8- costs 100 wood and $1,500. Monkey upgrader- level 10- upgrades your monkey. Armor shop- level 11- gives you armor. Dart manufacturer- level 11- required to upgrade damage the first 3 levels by darts. Personal business- level 13- allows others that have unlocked the shop to pay you for items! $2,000 and 1,000 wood. Dart upgrade equipment facility- level 16- allows you to get level 4 and 5 dart upgrades. Areas- all the areas you can fight in. Tutorial- just clear bloons here, they give 1 xp and have no attack. 1hp Boss of tutorial- red bloon- 10 xp, 5 hp, deals 2 damage. Bloon dunes- reds, blues, greens. Blue gives 15 xp, has 12 hp, and deals 5 damage. Boss of bloon dunes- pink bloon- gives 50 Xp, has 25 hp, and deals 10 damage. Hard rockers- yellows, pinks, blacks, whites Yellow- has 20 hp, gives 40 xp, deals 9 damage. Black/white- gives 60 xp, has 32 hp, deals 12 DMG. Boss- rainbow bloon- gives 250 xp, has 100 HP, deals 20 dmg, contains 2 black, 2 white. Green gives 25 xp, has 16 hp, and deals 8 damage. Gives 50% chance to drop 1-3 wood. Levels and xp- all levels increase damage by 1 unless otherwise noted. Level 1- has 1 hp. Level 2- requires 1 Xp. Gives 2 extra hp Level 3- requires 12 xp, gives 2 extra hp. Earned right before red. Level 4- 32 xp, gives 3 extra hp. Should have 8 now. Level 5- 100 xp, gives 2 extra hp, unlocks special attack, pulseshock. Can be used to inflict 10 damage to every bloon once an hour. Can be used infinitely in the dojo. Level 6- 225 xp, gives 3 extra hp Level 7- 500 Xp, gives 2 hp and 2 atk. Level 8- 1,000 xp, gives 10 hp and 3 atk. Level 9- 1,200 xp, gives 1 hp extra. Level 10- 2,000 xp, gives 3 hp and 3 atk. Level 11- 2,100 xp, gives 4 hp. Level 12- 2,350 Xp, gives 3 hp and 2 atk. Level 13- 2,500 xp. Gives 2 HP. Level 14- 2,750 xp. Gives 3 hp. Level 15- 3,000 xp. Gives 2 hp and 2 atk. Level 16- 3,500 xp. Gives 5 hp and 3 atk. Items- wood- costs $5. 3% drop from bloons. Chance cube- costs $50, gives $10-100. Rubber- 10% drop from bloons. Jet engine- 2% drop from MOAB-class. Special items- Reactor core- crafted from 100 rubber, deals 40 damage to all bloons and blimps take 100. Armor- Red- costs 20000 rubber and $10000. Gives 25 hp.