The Scoobies had been holding the fort with the help of the Buffy-bot but decide they need the real Buffy. Demon bikers crash into town. This was the first episode on the new network of the series, UPN.
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| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S6 E1 Bargaining Part 1
| - The Scoobies had been holding the fort with the help of the Buffy-bot but decide they need the real Buffy. Demon bikers crash into town. This was the first episode on the new network of the series, UPN.
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| - The Scoobies had been holding the fort with the help of the Buffy-bot but decide they need the real Buffy. Demon bikers crash into town. This was the first episode on the new network of the series, UPN.
* Actually a Doombot
* All Bikers Are Hellsmouth Demons: The Hellions.
* Armor-Piercing Question: The Buffybot to Giles. "Then why are you still here?"
* Bait and Switch: The Buffybot is introduced in the middle of the teaser fight, as if the real Buffy is somehow alive.
* Bambification: Averted when Willow kills a fawn for its blood.
* Black Magic
* Bond One-Liner: The Buffybot never quite gets it right.
* Brought Down to Normal: Dawn is no longer the Key, so she only has to worry about being eaten by some random Monster of the Week.
* Buried Alive: Joss Whedon has Sarah Michelle Gellar go through her greatest fear. Again.
* Call Back: When persuading the Scoobies, Willow assures them that it's not like Dawn trying to raise Joyce from the dead in "Forever", and plays on their fear that Buffy might be trapped in a hell dimension like Angel was at the beginning of Season 3.
* Channel Hop: First episode of the UPN era.
* Comically Missing the Point: Anya does lots in this episode.
* The Confidant: Giles ends up discussing his feelings of guilt with the Buffybot.
* Credits Gag: Homaged with Tara's finger monster. Grrr. Arrgh.
* Darker and Edgier: Sets the template for the whole season.
* Death Is Cheap: Willow can resurrect Buffy after she's been dead for months because she died a supernatural death.
* Description Cut / Tempting Fate
* "Nothing can go wrong tonight." Cut to the Hellions roaring past a Welcome to Sunnydale sign.
* "You don't think they'll cause a lot of damage, do you?" Cut to the Hellions chucking Molotov cocktails about with abandon.
* Dissonant Serenity / Man On Fire: Spike appears to be unconcerned that Giles is being choked by a huge vampire.
* Elephant in the Living Room: The reaction of the Scoobies when the Buffybot hugs her "sister".
* Everything Is Online: Including the Urn of Osiris -- Anya bought it on EBay.
* Fantastic Racism: Razor, the leader of the Hellions, kills a vampire who asks to ride with them by cutting off his head.
* Five Stages of Grief: Bargaining is the third stage of grief.
* Foreshadowing
* Xander has been putting off announcing his engagement to Anya all summer, implying that he has second thoughts.
* The distortions moving over Willow's body when she's being 'tested' are the same as the the malevolent spirit in "After Life".
* Geographic Flexibility: Sunnydale has a regional airport with flights to Los Angeles.
* Grievous Bottley Harm: A vampire damages the Buffybot when he hits it in the head with a bottle.
* Half Truth: "Wine of the mother" (the fawn's blood)
* Hide Your Gays: Averted -- Joss Whedon celebrates the new freedom of UPN by having Willow and Tara kiss casually and on the lips.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: A sticker in the Magic Shop says "Life's a witch and then you fly." After the Buffybot malfunctions and keeps running into the furniture, Spike decides not to let it out as there's already enough Things That Go Bump in the Night.
* Ironic Hell
* I Will Protect Her: Spike is living up to his promise to Buffy to protect her little sister.
* Knock-Knock Joke
* Literal Minded: The Buffybot making mega-sandwiches.
* Malaproper: The Urn of Cirrhosis...Osiris.
* Man Hug: Between Xander and Giles.
* Mood Whiplash: Dawn is trying to talk Spike out of babysitting her when he suddenly slams a pack of cards down on the table.
* My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: Spike after Giles nearly gets throttled by a vampire.
* No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The Hellions knock the Buffybot to the ground and proceed to kick and stomp the shit out of it.
* Not So Dire: "Buffybot is about to face her most dangerous challenge ever." Cut to a banner proclaiming "Welcome to Parent Teacher Day."
* Our Zombies Are Different: When Xander worries that they might be raising a brain-eating Buffy, Anya reassures him that it's a myth -- zombies only eat brains if they're instructed to by the person who raised them.
* Promoted to Parent / Has Two Mommies: Willow and Tara now sleep in Joyce's room and act as Dawn's parents.
* Replacement Goldfish: Dawn curls up in bed next to the recharging Buffybot. Giles finds himself teaching the bot Eastern martial arts philosophy until Anya calls him on it. Averted with Spike who refuses even to look at it.
* Rise From Your Grave
* Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Willow vomits up a live snake during the ceremony, shocking the Scoobies who are unaware just how dark the magic she's using is.
* Robotic Reveal:
* Seemingly-Profound Fool
* Spanner in the Works: The Buffybot is programmed to return to Willow if damaged. As a result it leads the Hellions directly to the Scoobies in the midst of their raising ceremony.
* Stiff Upper Lippy: The Scoobies try to avoid tears while saying farewell to Giles.
* Talk About That Thing: The Scoobies discussing their plan around Giles, Spike or Dawn.
* Telepathy: Willow uses this to direct the Scoobies in the teaser where they run down a vampire.
* That Came Out Wrong
* Two Part Episode
* Weirdness Censor: The Buffybot is regarded as an example for all parents.
* Wimp Fight: Giles and Anya get into a slapfight.
* You Are in Command Now / Rhetorical Question Blunder