| - Maki (Looking around, evidently a tad scared): This place doesn't look safe.... Triton (Rubbing chin): Hmm.... Maki: GAAAH!!!! Triton (Bemused): Oho, cool! Maki (Hits Triton over the head): It is NOT cool! Triton (Rubbing the lamp on his head): Yes it is..... Maki: We're surrounded by thousands of empty or deserted ships, on an island apparently full of people, and the next one of those boats could be OURS.... and you're not scared?! Triton: No, I'm not worried at all! I'm sure there's a perfectly obvious explanation for- Voice: Ahem. Man (Silent): ......... Triton (Silent): ...... Maki (Sweatdrop): Can we help you? Maki (Sweatdrop): Ah. Man: You'll be charged File:Bsymbol.gif60,000,000 and will have to move immediatley. Maki (Shocked): THAT MUCH?! Triton: Why, how much money do we have? Maki (Gulp): Zero. Man: Then you'll have to be arrested, or you can choose the other option. Maki: Other option? Man: You can participate in 6 rounds of the Birs Island Tournament. The winnings from those 6 matches will be enough to pay. Maki (Suspicious): 6 each, or just 6? Man: 6 each. Maki: Well, it looks like we'll have to spend some time in jail~. How long is it~~? Man: 700 years. Maki: 700 YEARS?!?!?!?!?! Man: Yes. Maki: C-can one of us do twelve matches?! Man (Sweatdrop): I guess so, but that's never been- Maki: Triton-kun~? Want to do some fighting~? Triton (Perks up): Sure! I'd love to- Maki: Welp, just sign this guy up then! Man: Allright then.... Man: Follow me, I'll take you to the arena. Triton: Sushishishishishi! This is gonna be F-U-N! Announcer: Oh! OH! OOOOH! That's gotta hurt! Announcer: And this marks Raieus the Cleaver's 90th victory! Allright folks, that's all for tonight! You can go and enjoy yourselfs, and we'll se eyou in the morning! File:ToBeContinued.png