| - While the rest of Team Avatar is asleep by a dying fire, Momo awakens Appa and leads him to a thicket, which they hide behind while they spy on two Fire Nation soldiers. Knowing what it could mean for the group if they are discovered by their enemies, Appa, with Momo on one of his paws, rears up out from his hiding place and roars at the soldiers, causing them to run away in fright.
| - While the rest of Team Avatar is asleep by a dying fire, Momo awakens Appa and leads him to a thicket, which they hide behind while they spy on two Fire Nation soldiers. Knowing what it could mean for the group if they are discovered by their enemies, Appa, with Momo on one of his paws, rears up out from his hiding place and roars at the soldiers, causing them to run away in fright. The next morning, Aang, Katara, and Toph feast on mangoes that Momo collected after the confrontation the previous night, thanking Sokka for the fruit. Naturally, Sokka does not remember having picked them, but accepts the praise nonetheless. A moment later, he berates Appa and Momo, who are sleeping now due to a restless evening, for their laziness, reminding them that they have a big day ahead of them.