| - Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States.
- Harry S. Truman ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts und der 33. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Trueman ist Mitglied der demokratischen Partei und spielt gerne Klavier. Truman fordert von General Rex Denning im Jahr 1947 die zügige Aufklärung des Absturzes eines unbekannten Raumschiffs in der Nähe von Roswell. (DS9: )
- President from 1945 to 1952.
* 1948 Nomination Speech
* 1952 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
- Harry S. Truman estis neelektita usona estro, kiu faligis du armilojn de amasa detruo sur Japanion por plifaciligi la vivon- de usonanoj, kompreneble, ne de japanoj, kiuj ankoraŭ suferas pro la terorismaj agoj de ĉi tiu barbara prezidento. Kompreneble, en Usono infanoj hodiaŭ lernas honti pri la malbono de Truman dum la Dua Mondmilito kaj oni neniel rajtas diri kontraŭjapanajn rimarkojn, nek negi la atombomb-faligon aŭ la usonajn internigejojn.
- Harry S. Truman is the 33rd President of the United States. He ordered the atomic bombardment of Hiroshima in 1945. Walter Kovacs is fond of Truman like his father was, thinking that by dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki he had saved millions of lives. He claims that if he hadn't of, many more people would have died from war.
- Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) was President of the United States from 1945 to 1953. He was the President that decided to drop the atomic bombs on Japan, ending World War II.
- Harry S. Truman is the sheriff of Twin Peaks, a position previously held by his father and brother. He assisted FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper with the murder investigation of homecoming queen Laura Palmer and other investigations the agent led during his time in Twin Peaks. As a result, Truman and Cooper became close friends.
- Harry S. Truman was the President of the United States of America during the final months of World War II and the first years of the Cold War.
- Harry S. Truman was a former President of the United States. Truman was one of few Presidents to survive an assassination attempt while in office, along with Andrew Jackson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and David Palmer. For state business, President Truman traveled aboard a C-118 Liftmaster, dubbed Independence. (24: The Ultimate Guide) Truman once suggested that ex-Presidents act as senators-at-large, with a presence but no vote in Congress. (24: Redemption · D.C. Times article)
- Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884December 26, 1972) was the 33rd President of the United States (1945–1953). The final running mate of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, Truman succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, when Roosevelt died after months of declining health. Under Truman, the U.S. successfully concluded World War II; in the aftermath of the conflict, tensions with the Soviet Union increased, marking the start of the Cold War.
- In July 1947, Truman kept in close communication with United States Army Air Corps personnel after a Ferengi spaceship crash-landed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. He ordered General Rex Denning to find out all that he could from its occupants Quark, Rom and Nog. Denning had little respect for Truman, referring to him contemptuously as "that little piano-playing Democrat." However, he claimed that the President was not "as dumb as he looked." (DS9 episode: "Little Green Men")
- Harry S. Truman was born in Nowheresville, Missouri; about five miles south of Podunk. His father did one of those jobs that rural people do, or something. As a child, young Harry would watch his father about his work and dream of one day vaporizing millions of foreigners in an orgiastic deathblast of atomic hell-fire. However, the technology for this did not yet exist, so he was reduced to flicking matches at hobos.
- In 1947, Truman faced several questions following the crash, in Roswell, New Mexico, of what was initially thought to be a Martian spacecraft but was actually a Ferengi shuttle. Known for being an impatient man, Truman demanded immediate answers from base commander General Rex Denning, while limiting the number of individuals participating in the investigation. Upon the realization that the Martians, later determined to be Ferengi, came from a species far more advanced than Humanity, Truman wanted the base personnel to try to talk to with them; a task assigned to Professor Jeff Carlson.
- The Doctor once had a lively debate with Truman about Manhattan (referring to the "Manhattan Project") and the ethics of using fission weaponry on civilian populations. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) Because he was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's vice president, Truman became President of the United States when FDR died in office in 1945. He was elected in his own right three years later, surprising many who believed him a "caretaker" figure. He took part in the Potsdam Conference, negotiated the details of postwar Europe and authorised the use of nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan to end World War II. He also prosecuted the majority of the Korean War and fired General Douglas MacArthur for insubordination. He was widely regarded by those who knew him as "a tough little sonovabitch". (P
- Harry S. Truman était un politicien terrien du 20ème siècle, qui servit en qualité de 33ème Président des Etats-Unis d'Amérique de 1945 à 1953, succédant ainsi à Franklin D. Roosevelt. (Réalité extrapolée *)
- Harry S. Truman (b. May 8, 1884-d. December 26, 1972) was the 33rd President of the United States (1945–1953). The final running mate of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, Truman succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, when Roosevelt died after months of declining health. Under Truman, the U.S. successfully concluded World War II; in the aftermath of the conflict, tensions with the Soviet Union increased, marking the start of the Cold War. Truman was born in Missouri, and spent most of his youth on his family's farm. During World War I, Truman served in combat in France as an artillery officer in his National Guard unit. After the war, he briefly owned a haberdashery and joined the Democratic Party political machine of Tom Pendergast in Kansas City, Missouri. He was first elec