The fictional Third Robotech War (2031-44) is the third major conflict in the Robotech science fiction universe. Unlike the previous Robotech Wars, which were fought by Earth-based human forces against invading alien enemies, the Third War was fought by the returning Robotech Expeditionary Force to liberate the occupied Earth from the alien Invid. The Robotech Television series ended with the conclusion of the Third Robotech war in 1986, and it would be 20 years before Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, which was released in 2006, would continue the Robotech Saga. Pegasus News points out, however, that "the first half-hour or so of the movie overlaps with the final battle of the Third Robotech War, just from a different perspective."
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| - The fictional Third Robotech War (2031-44) is the third major conflict in the Robotech science fiction universe. Unlike the previous Robotech Wars, which were fought by Earth-based human forces against invading alien enemies, the Third War was fought by the returning Robotech Expeditionary Force to liberate the occupied Earth from the alien Invid. The Robotech Television series ended with the conclusion of the Third Robotech war in 1986, and it would be 20 years before Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, which was released in 2006, would continue the Robotech Saga. Pegasus News points out, however, that "the first half-hour or so of the movie overlaps with the final battle of the Third Robotech War, just from a different perspective."
- The Third Robotech War was a conflict between humanity and the Invid over the control of the Earth. The Robotech Expeditionary Force launched at least three major assaults to reclaim Earth, all of which failed, but the third of which allowed a single pilot to start a rebellion on Earth, starting the heaviest fighting of the Third Robotech War.
| - Possibly as many as several thousand to tens of thousands of resistors worldwide; exact REF strength unknown but consisted of all available REF forces, included over one hundred and fifty capital ships and thousands of fighters and support craft.
- The Army of the Regess Invid faction
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| - Invasion and occupation of the Earth by the Invid.
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| - the Invid Regess
- The resistance cells operated independantly though later their efforts were coordinated by advanced elements of the REF; REF forces involved in the assault commanded by General Gunther Reinhardt
| - Unknown; estimated to be in the millions
- Unknown; estimated to be tens of thousands of military personnel and civilians.
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| - the Invid
- Robotech Expeditionary Force, Earth-based resistance cells
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| - The Third Robotech War was a conflict between humanity and the Invid over the control of the Earth. The Robotech Expeditionary Force launched at least three major assaults to reclaim Earth, all of which failed, but the third of which allowed a single pilot to start a rebellion on Earth, starting the heaviest fighting of the Third Robotech War. The Invid were drawn to Earth after the end of the Second Robotech War when the spores of the Flower of Life were spread across Earth. The Army of the Southern Cross, greatly weakened by their war with the Robotech Masters were unable to prevent the fall of Earth. The Invid rule of Earth was brutal, swiftly exterminating any resistance to their dominance.
- The fictional Third Robotech War (2031-44) is the third major conflict in the Robotech science fiction universe. Unlike the previous Robotech Wars, which were fought by Earth-based human forces against invading alien enemies, the Third War was fought by the returning Robotech Expeditionary Force to liberate the occupied Earth from the alien Invid. The Robotech Television series ended with the conclusion of the Third Robotech war in 1986, and it would be 20 years before Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, which was released in 2006, would continue the Robotech Saga. Pegasus News points out, however, that "the first half-hour or so of the movie overlaps with the final battle of the Third Robotech War, just from a different perspective."
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