| - Whistles are Instruments. Contrary to other instruments, they cannot be used to tame animals. As for 1.2.0 r59, whistles are used to call for pets. Could be helpful in situations where pets are out of sight or they were order to wait for the player.
- The Whistle is an important way for a registered user to get involved with Newgrounds. It enables the user to report abuse. The colour of the Whistle indicates its power and is judged by Stat Enthusiasts/Stat whores as one of the most important stats of Newgrounds users. Its level is determined by whistle points, which can be positive or negative.
- Was the whistle Locke originally created to find Vincent during the first days after the crash.
- Whistle is an ability in the Dragon Quest series which is used to instantly call for a random monster and engage it in a battle. It is usually learned by the bulky characters of the Dragon Quest series. Characters who can use this ability: Torneko(PSX/DS only)
- Whistle is a veteran reward.
- Whistle (ホイッスル Hoissuru?) is a Battle Card from Mega Man Star Force series that pulls enemies in front of the user.
- The Whistle was the vessel of Kobei, who used it for smuggling. It could be handled by one man.
- A whistle was a device that made a shrill sound when its user blew air through it. The Alanciari, the Keshiri inhabitants of the continent Alanciar on the planet Kesh, used both personal whistles and larger, stationary whistles. The former type were used by soldiers to signal travelers to halt. The latter were mounted in population centers, where workers could funnel steam through them; the resulting sound served as a warning to the people nearby to stay alert to invasion by enemy forces.
- Whistle is a non-anthropomorphic character in Happy Tree Friends.
- The Whistle is a neck item in Club Penguin Rewritten. All players could obtain it for free during the Cove Anniversary Party in the forest.
- The Whistle is an item in KQ4. A pelican had swallowed it, but the bird gave it to Rosella as a thank you for giving it a fish. The whistle summoned a dolphin.
- Whistle is the Sound gag. It succeeds the Bike Horn but precedes the Bugle.
- There existed a spell to turn a whistle into a pocket-watch. In 1995, during the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army, Harry Potter had the members of the group practise the Disarming Charm. After a while, it came time for them to stop, but the level of noise was such that nobody could hear Harry shouting for them to stop. He thought to himself "I need a whistle" and the Room of Requirement provided, as he immediately spotted one lying on top of the nearest row of books, which he picked up and blew hard.
- In Pikmin 3, the cursor and whistle have taken on new looks. The cursor is now a simple circle with a dot in the center. The dot has a straight white line that leads to the captain. The whistle radius is a single color dashed line that gradually grows, and then sends a second dashed circle upwards, creating a cylindrical column of light. This is used to call Winged Pikmin that are flying too high for the normal whistle. The new captains in the game have visible whistles built into their helmets.
- Todd: For several months now, pop radio has been dominated by a very small number of gigantic megahit chart toppers. Clips of the following songs fun.: Tonight... Todd (VO): First we had fun., taking over the chart for six weeks with their out-of-nowhere breakthrough smash "We Are Young". That oddity was bested by an even stranger hit single, "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye, which did it one better by resting at #1 for eight weeks. But of course, even that was bested by a nine-week stay at the top of the Hot 100 from the unstoppable juggernaut that was "Call Me Maybe". These three songs dominated the year, and they felt like it. They were completely and totally inescapable, dominating the popular consciousness with instantly memorable videos, endlessly earworming lyrics, [picture
- The specific memory from my innocent childhood was so vivid. I thought I've forgotten about this certain event for years, but it has been lingering in the back of my brain. Just waiting there, waiting for it to all come back to me. Causing me fear and paranoia. Delusions occur often as it comes by, taunting and haunting me. Never stopping, it all hurts me inside. That dreadful tune, the catchy whistle. As it plays it comes out as a low, soft tune. It seems peaceful, but it's dreadful. As I roamed around, I heard that dreadful whistling sound. Peaceful, but somewhat depressing and sorrowful.