| - Demon Blood is a supernatural substance of demonic which is a villainous tool found in the Hellblazer comic book franchise and it has been a recurring plot element within the series for the majority of its existence. Demon blood, when injected into the body of a human being, causes the host to be instantaneously - if somewhat painfully - healed. It also has the additional function of allowing the demon to find the host's body wherever they are in the world, if they are not magically protected. It appears to retard the ageing process somewhat (John Constantine has commented that he looks younger than his 50+ years thanks to its presence in his system) and may aid in fighting off illness and increasing his healing process, to the point of regenerating non-fatal wounds quickly (Haunted). But it certainly didn't stop John from getting lung cancer (although it was found out that the cancer was transfused by the powerful Golden Child using synchronicity ). Contracting a demonic taint in the blood isn't just done via direct transfusion, however; after magically removing the demon blood from his body, Constantine re-acquired the taint by having sex with Ellie, a succubus. This is the same taint that he carries in his veins to this day. The blood contains corossive properties that can dissolve many materials like flesh. Anyone that digests the blood can have nasty results, even death. (Hellblazer issue 69) Though it cannot affect anyone who has the same blood host, like when John sipped Angie's blood without getting hurt because Angie got her demon blood from John. As doctors Malachy Young and Jonathan Yorke discovered in the City of Demons miniseries, demon blood - if properly treated - can also be used to turn people into psychotic slaves. However, these slaves remain subservient and psychically linked to those higher up the 'food chain', as it were - in that case, John Constantine.