| - Austin8310 walked into the IIRS office. "Hey, I got referred by this pope guy to come here." The secretary sat up and pointed that way. "Go and get your suit there. You're hired." Austin8310 stared at him, his eyes bugging out. "Are you kidding me? I just walked in here! I planned out my resume for a WHOLE WEEK! And I just walk in and you say I'm HIRED? GAH, what a waste of time." The secretary grinned and replied, "Two things. One, you're tall. Two, you have a fish. That's all our requirements." The secretary seemed to be used to this. As he approached the van, the cloaked figure grinned.
| - Austin8310 walked into the IIRS office. "Hey, I got referred by this pope guy to come here." The secretary sat up and pointed that way. "Go and get your suit there. You're hired." Austin8310 stared at him, his eyes bugging out. "Are you kidding me? I just walked in here! I planned out my resume for a WHOLE WEEK! And I just walk in and you say I'm HIRED? GAH, what a waste of time." The secretary grinned and replied, "Two things. One, you're tall. Two, you have a fish. That's all our requirements." Austin8310 walked into the hallway, put on a cloak, grabbed a scythe, and then pulled up the hood. He decided he hated the scyth, and threw it. He picked up the fish, and walked back to the secretary. "When do I leave? Where are the destinations? This job seems awfully unplanned? How much money should I get?" The secretary seemed to be used to this. "You leave now. Go with those three outside. Then, stop where they stop. Get as much money as you want." Austin8310 walked out the door, muttering about how talkative that secretary was. As he approached the van, the cloaked figure grinned. "Prepare to go, mate! We're going now." The van left the parking lot and sped off.