| - Concurrently, Askar Invado, leader of the Necasians, mustered his troops for an assault on the base after gaining intelligence on it, meaning to swoop in and attack the Death's Tongue forces before they could react, thereby ending any potential immediate threat that could arise and removing a base on Tahu. Although Askar had no interest in the planet of Tahu itself, he did not want the Death's Tongue Militia occupying a planet so near to Necasian territory. Unbeknown to Askar, however, the Death's Tongue Militia did not regard the base as particularly significant, and fed false intelligence to make the Necasians believe that destroying the base would be a great blow to them, in order to ease the pressure on them. Most of the Death's Tongue militants stationed on the planet were also ones d
| - Concurrently, Askar Invado, leader of the Necasians, mustered his troops for an assault on the base after gaining intelligence on it, meaning to swoop in and attack the Death's Tongue forces before they could react, thereby ending any potential immediate threat that could arise and removing a base on Tahu. Although Askar had no interest in the planet of Tahu itself, he did not want the Death's Tongue Militia occupying a planet so near to Necasian territory. Unbeknown to Askar, however, the Death's Tongue Militia did not regard the base as particularly significant, and fed false intelligence to make the Necasians believe that destroying the base would be a great blow to them, in order to ease the pressure on them. Most of the Death's Tongue militants stationed on the planet were also ones deemed incompetent or untrustworthy by their superiors. However, the Srav Federation was also taking an interest in the planet of Tahu, wanting to occupy a planet in the vicinity of Necasian territory and gain a foothold into it, and Srav supreme leader Jasef Yuiln had commissioned various Srav troops to travel to Tahu and take the Death's Tongue base there, also mistakenly believing that it was a major installation. The Sravs, however, had no idea that the Necasians were also launching assaults, and pushed not as many troops into the battle as they could have, thinking they would only be faced with a single base of the Death's Tongue Militia. Using stealth ships as scouts to pass Necasian lines, they made their way into the Tahu sector, spending time surveying the defenses arrayed on the planet, whilst keeping their distance from the actual planet itself, before returning to Srav territory to make their report to Jasef Yuiln and the various commanders of the Sravs. Meanwhile, the Sravs also viewed the battle as an opportunity to test out their newly-formed elite infantry group called Hammer Division, created as an answer to Necasian SpecOps commandos and as a counter to concerns over inadequate Srav infantry. Deeming the risks to be too low to be of major consequence, Yuiln then finalized the commission for the assault, whilst Askar Invado set up his fleet with various weaponry. Apart from a few members of the sharpshooters, Toronian-class storm tanks and Krako Warrior Traversers, the Necasians had thought the same as the Sravs, that the assault would be easy. With both factions preparing to depart for Tahu with a relatively small amount of troops, the Militia had no idea, at that time, that the Necasians and Sravs were moving in on the planet; as a result, the Death's Tongue force was believed to not have known about what was considered an 'impending doom' moving down upon them.