| - Hybrid armour is a type of armour released on 23 August 2011, requiring level 85 Defence, along with other requirements such as Strength, Ranged, and Magic (depending on the kind of armour) to wear. If you do not meet these requirements you can still obtain any of the hybrid armour pieces, but you won't be able to wear it until you reach the armour's requirements. Hybrid armour is purely cosmetic except when worn in the following PvP minigames:
* Castle Wars
* Soul Wars
* Fist of Guthix
* TzHaar Fight Pit Hybrid armour pieces are untradeable. The items can be received as follows:
- Hybrid armour is purely cosmetic except when worn in the following PvP minigames:
* Castle Wars
* Soul Wars
* Fist of Guthix
* TzHaar Fight Pit While hybrid armour is obtained from Pest Control, it provides no bonuses when worn during that minigame. Each set offensively supports every style (meaning you will not lose attack ratings on any style), and is defensively weak to one attack style. Battle-mage is weak to magic, Trickster to ranged, and Vanguard to melee. Hybrid armour pieces are untradeable. The three types of hybrid armour are as follows:
| - Hybrid armour is purely cosmetic except when worn in the following PvP minigames:
* Castle Wars
* Soul Wars
* Fist of Guthix
* TzHaar Fight Pit While hybrid armour is obtained from Pest Control, it provides no bonuses when worn during that minigame. When playing the above listed minigames, you will deal extra damage against other players. For each piece you have on, you will deal an extra 3% of damage. Only the set with the most pieces will account for the damage boost meaning you cannot mix sets for the bonus damage though its defensive stats will remain the same. This means if you are wearing 3 pieces of battle-mage and 2 pieces of vanguard you will only get 9% damage boost instead of 15%. While wearing the full set of hybrid armour, a total of 15% extra damage is dealt on other players. In Castle Wars this damage bonus does not stack with the Castle Wars armour sets. Each set offensively supports every style (meaning you will not lose attack ratings on any style), and is defensively weak to one attack style. Battle-mage is weak to magic, Trickster to ranged, and Vanguard to melee. Hybrid armour pieces are untradeable. The three types of hybrid armour are as follows:
* Battle-mage armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Strength and level 85 Magic to wear.)
* Trickster armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Ranged and level 85 Magic to wear.)
* Vanguard armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Ranged and level 85 Strength to wear.) File:Hybrid body select.png Armour pieces are obtained after winning in the minigames stated below. An interface will appear from which you can choose which set you would like the item to be. This item will then appear in your inventory. If your inventory is full when the interface pops up, you are allowed to drop an item without the hybrid drop interface closing. The random chance of getting a piece improves as you win more games. Therefore the more games you win, the better chance you have of obtaining a piece of armour. If the interface closes by accident (like when your familiar re-appears next to you) you will get a second chance and it will open again for you to choose what piece you want. The interface will only re-open once. Alternatively, these equipment pieces can be bought using thaler, at the cost of 700 thaler a piece. The items can be received as follows:
- Hybrid armour is a type of armour released on 23 August 2011, requiring level 85 Defence, along with other requirements such as Strength, Ranged, and Magic (depending on the kind of armour) to wear. If you do not meet these requirements you can still obtain any of the hybrid armour pieces, but you won't be able to wear it until you reach the armour's requirements. Hybrid armour is purely cosmetic except when worn in the following PvP minigames:
* Castle Wars
* Soul Wars
* Fist of Guthix
* TzHaar Fight Pit When playing the above listed minigames, you will deal extra damage against other players. For each piece you have on, you will deal an extra 3% of damage. Only the set with the most pieces will account for the damage boost meaning you cannot mix sets for the bonus damage though its defensive stats will remain the same. This means if you are wearing 3 pieces of battle-mage and 2 pieces of vanguard you will only get 9% damage boost instead of 15%. While wearing the full set of hybrid armour, a total of 15% extra damage is dealt on other players. In Castle Wars this damage bonus does not stack with the Castle Wars armour sets. Each set offensively supports every style (meaning you will not lose attack ratings on any style), and is defensively weak to one attack style. Battle-mage is weak to magic, Trickster to ranged, and Vanguard to melee. Hybrid armour pieces are untradeable. The three types of hybrid armour are as follows:
* Battle-mage armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Strength and level 85 Magic to wear.)
* Trickster armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Ranged and level 85 Magic to wear.)
* Vanguard armour (requiring level 85 Defence, level 85 Ranged and level 85 Strength to wear.) File:Hybrid body select.png Armour pieces are obtained after winning in the minigames stated below. An interface will appear from which you can choose which set you would like the item to be. This item will then appear in your inventory. If your inventory is full when the interface pops up, you are allowed to drop an item without the hybrid drop interface closing. The random chance of getting a piece improves as you win more games. Therefore the more games you win, the better chance you have of obtaining a piece of armour. Alternatively, these equipment pieces can be bought using thaler, at the cost of 700 thaler a piece. The items can be received as follows: