| - Capo era un rodiano. Miembro de la Brigada de la Paz, él se disfrazó de uno de los guardias del Servicio de Inteligencia de la Nueva República apostados secretamente a bordo de la Queen of Empire para vigilar a Elan y Vergere y supervisar su transferencia de Myrkr a Coruscant. Showolter le disparó, pero escapó vivo de su cabina. Después murió a causa de las esporas bo'tous de Elan.
- A Caporegime, better known as a Capo, or sometimes Capone, is a rank in the Mafia. It is the job of a Capo to assign missions to soldiers and spies as a liaison between the Don and his asses. A Capo is also the right-hand man of the underboss, and a Lawyer is more of an adviser. Caporegimes have their own crews for each territory, made up of Soldiers, who in turn have sub-crews of spys. Crews are usually made up of ten men each when families become uncontrollably large, giving Capos families in their own rights, but in the end, they are all loyal to their "Boss".
- Capo on ilmeisesti alikersantti.
- Capo lub Caporegime (ulat. kapitan) - członek rodziny scyllijskiej, dowodzący w terenie grupą "żołnierzy" (soldato). Kategoria:Przestępczość zorganizowana
- Los Capos, Caporegime o capodecina son miembros importantes de bandas mafiosas. En la saga Grand Theft Auto, este rango tiene mucha importancia, ya que en muchas misiones habrá que asesinar a algunos, trabajar para otros; incluso en un juego, nuestro protagonista se vuelve un capo. La variante capodecina significa literalmente cabeza de diez.
- "Capo" (female form Capa) is the title of those Giovanni who hold a position of leadership within a city. A capo is responsible for keeping family affairs run smoothly, avoid getting involved in Sect conflicts and implement orders from higher-ranking members of the Clan.
- __INDEX__ Capo (bürgerlich Cem Anhan; * ? in Offenbach) ist ein deutscher Rapper mit kurdisher Abstammung. Bekanntheit erlangte er durch Gastbeiträge auf den Songs seines älteren Bruders Haftbefehl.
- A small device used to raise the overall pitch of the guitar by pressing on all six strings of a given fret simultaneously. The full name is a Capotasto. Image:Capo.jpg
- A Heroic Mortal born in Riptide, a small island in the Coral Archipelago. 19 years old; 5'11"; 133 lbs.; light blue hair (short); blue eyes. Ever since he was a child, Capo was musically talented. He learned to play guitar from his father and how to sing from his mother. His parents used to brag that he was "more skilled than even a child of Sextus Jiles," despite the fact that he never Exalted. At the age of 14, he was kidnapped from his home by slavers. He continued to sing and he almost caused a rebellion because of it, but the slavers cut his vocal chords, quelling the uprising. He was eventually sold to a wealthy DB family in Kirighast. Eventually, he was bought, and subsequently freed, by Karal Lena. They have been traveling together ever since.