| - A war between Esrolia and the Hendriki
* It began in 1075 ST with magical induced famines within the Adjusted Lands.
* In 1077 ST, King Davisin was captured by the Esrolians, although they kept this secret for some time.
* In 1080 ST, Queen Darimarja tried to force Elmalvo to surrender by threatening to kill her hostage King Davisin. When the threat failed, she had him impaled with his iron spear which then killed her.
* Benoris Eaglecloak, lord of Elmalvo sent an army near Tenvala apparently looking for Sacred Ezel, drawing off a large number of Esrolian Defenders.
* A larger Hendriki army then seized Valadon and Dolzar while Nochet was stricken by widespread rioting.
* Umandera Heartpiercer led an Esrolian Army to recover Dolzar and lay siege to Valadon.
* Benor
| - A war between Esrolia and the Hendriki
* It began in 1075 ST with magical induced famines within the Adjusted Lands.
* In 1077 ST, King Davisin was captured by the Esrolians, although they kept this secret for some time.
* In 1080 ST, Queen Darimarja tried to force Elmalvo to surrender by threatening to kill her hostage King Davisin. When the threat failed, she had him impaled with his iron spear which then killed her.
* Benoris Eaglecloak, lord of Elmalvo sent an army near Tenvala apparently looking for Sacred Ezel, drawing off a large number of Esrolian Defenders.
* A larger Hendriki army then seized Valadon and Dolzar while Nochet was stricken by widespread rioting.
* Umandera Heartpiercer led an Esrolian Army to recover Dolzar and lay siege to Valadon.
* Benoris was confronted on the Runnel River but escaped upon waves; he was forced to leave behind Vorever the Kolating, two Praxian Shamans by the names of Yen and Beder and several priestesses.
* The Shamans contacted the dead Priestesses at Ezel showing them how their rites were being perverted.
* Investigation revealed the Grandmothers of Nochet were responsible for the famine acting through their farming cults.
* Ezel sent an army of ghosts against Nochet, killing Darimarja and paralyzing Ofelasrela and wrecking carnage on their children of their families.
* The conflict ceased (in 1080 ST).
* Umandera quit her family, upon learning the truth, and went to the Adjusted Lands with half her army.
* Dolzar and Valadon were returned to their former conquerers. Sources: History of the Heortling Peoples, Esrolia: the Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses