| - Phosis T'Kar was born on the world of Prospero, and joined the ranks of the XV Legion, newly renamed the Thousand Sons, after they were reunited with their lost gene-sire. He was a member of one of the earliest intakes of potential Neophytes. His early career as an Astartes is not well known, for when he first appeared in recorded history he was attached to the Luna Wolves Legion during their xenocidal camapaign against the alien Keylekid. As part of their training, all Captains of a Thousand Sons Fellowship (equivalent to the Legion formation of Chapter) undertook a secondment to another Space Marine Legion to learn its ways and further the Thousand Sons' understanding of the galaxy and pursuit of knowledge. Phosis T'Kar fought alongside the vaunted Luna Wolves Legion, and never tired of
| - Phosis T'Kar was born on the world of Prospero, and joined the ranks of the XV Legion, newly renamed the Thousand Sons, after they were reunited with their lost gene-sire. He was a member of one of the earliest intakes of potential Neophytes. His early career as an Astartes is not well known, for when he first appeared in recorded history he was attached to the Luna Wolves Legion during their xenocidal camapaign against the alien Keylekid. As part of their training, all Captains of a Thousand Sons Fellowship (equivalent to the Legion formation of Chapter) undertook a secondment to another Space Marine Legion to learn its ways and further the Thousand Sons' understanding of the galaxy and pursuit of knowledge. Phosis T'Kar fought alongside the vaunted Luna Wolves Legion, and never tired of regaling his brothers with tales of meeting their Primarch Horus Lupercal, or boasting of his close friendship with the XVI Legion's Mournival; Captains Hastur Sejanus, "Little Horus" Aximand, Tarik Torgaddon and First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon, Horus' closest advisors.