| - The Legion was not a standard element in the line Army forces of either the Galactic Republic or Galactic Empire, which identified comparable formations as divisions and battlegroups. It was, however, a key field formation for the white-armored clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic and their successors, the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. A clone legion consisted of 9,216 troops, normally headed by a Jedi General and a Senior clone commander. A GAR legion, with some 7,000 attached support personnel, was the standard complement of an Acclamator-class assault ship. Imperial stormtrooper legions were equal to the size of Imperial Army battlegroups, and consisted of 8,192 troops, and are likely to have been led by officers of comparable rank to the High Colonels and Major Generals of the Imperial Army. A stormtrooper legion's exact numbers are unknown, although the official field manual for the Imperial Military, the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, estimated that the total amount within a legion lay between 8,192 and 12,800 troops In addition, although legion was the largest possible unit of the Stormtrooper Corps., various legions from other sectors have been known to join in a major offensive with other legions belonging to the Sector Group the offensive took place at. Even though the Stormtrooper Corps were the only major Imperial Military branch to actually utilize legions, various Imperial Military units that include both the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy can sometimes be compared to legions if the manpower and force strength was sufficient enough, especially if the unit in question was a joint task force for all three major branches of the Imperial Military utilized for a vital objective. This is especially evident during the Battle of Endor, where the Galactic Emperor Palpatine, when revealing to a then-captive Rebel commander Luke Skywalker that the Rebel Alliance's Endor strike team was headed straight into a trap, referred to the unit guarding the Endor shield generator bunker, Tempest Force, as "an entire legion of [Palpatine's] best troops."