| - Not long after her birth upon the peace loving world of Aruza, Ysanne was taken in as one of the many tests subjects for COMPNOR's experiments during the Emperial Reign of the galaxy. Her people were a peace minded folk with the ability to share their emotions through chosen implants. The intent of the experiments was to alter their peaceful mindsets to that of war and ferocious tendencies so that the Aruzan's might be used in battle. During the years of terror, many were killed by what the Imperials injected them with. Ysanne was lucky, the version she was given merely bleached and created a mutation in her genes that caused her to go into sudden wild fits of anger and confusion, eventually causing her to seize up as seizures make one do. Her skin also bleached along her right hip where they injected her. When given a hypospray once, she jerked away and got some of the residual in her left eye, which caused partial blindness. She has learned to since then, deal with such set backs. Anger that was both real and then not her own, caused by the mutation bore a deep hole into her soul, only to be filled by the thoughts of revenge. Drengar, the bounty hunter would one day free her people from the hold of the Empire and its damaging research. But before that day would come, there was a revolt during which the young Aruzan was able to throw herself in with several others stealing a shuttle. With others doing the same along the facility, the waiting ship in orbit was ordered to fire and only three shuttles in total escaped the planet for various other destinations.