| - After the first Battle of Endor the Empire was crippled, having lost its Emperor and flagship, and much of its command staff. The political establishment and military split, and the Alliance gobbled up hundreds of systems with little effort. The Imperial Civil War devastated the Empire, resulting in the Rebellion capturing key territory in the Core and Colonies, mounting successful campaigns in the Inner Rim and Mid Rim. A year after Endor the Alliance had pushed the Empire from half of the galaxy, and the political in-fighting within the Empire still continued, fought between the Imperial Ruling Council and Central Committee of Grand Moffs, with warlords such as Krennal, Delvardus, Zsinj, Teradoc and Harrsk adding to the confusion. The Pentastar Alignment walled off a portion of the Outer
| - After the first Battle of Endor the Empire was crippled, having lost its Emperor and flagship, and much of its command staff. The political establishment and military split, and the Alliance gobbled up hundreds of systems with little effort. The Imperial Civil War devastated the Empire, resulting in the Rebellion capturing key territory in the Core and Colonies, mounting successful campaigns in the Inner Rim and Mid Rim. A year after Endor the Alliance had pushed the Empire from half of the galaxy, and the political in-fighting within the Empire still continued, fought between the Imperial Ruling Council and Central Committee of Grand Moffs, with warlords such as Krennal, Delvardus, Zsinj, Teradoc and Harrsk adding to the confusion. The Pentastar Alignment walled off a portion of the Outer Rim, absorbing much of the Empires rimward strength. It appeared as if the Empire was finished. The emergence of Lord Shadowspawn changed all that. Uniting aspects of the Imperial military at Mindor in 5 ABY, Shadowspawn proceeded to launch a series of devastating raids which drove the Alliance from the Inner Rim. The other Dark Jedi within the Empire, long weakened in their power by the death of the Emperor, rallied around Shadowspawn, reconquering key parts of the Core and Colonies. The Alliance and Mandalorians rallied, fighting the Battle of Mindor in 5.5. ABY, defeating Shadowspawn. The Dark Jedi began pushing stewardess Iceheart for more power, and it became apparent the Empire may split again. Understanding this, the Alliance gathered in the Endor system, intending to draw strength from their victory there before launching for their lost territory.