| - When the bad guy is finished off by a large, vicious animal. Related to Disney Villain Death, can be a form of Big Damn Villains, it's a method to keep the hero's hands clean while still dispatching the villain. The difference is that that trope is more removing an obstacle without losing karma for the heroes, but this trope tends to tie up loose ends, and often dispatches a villain the heroes didn't really need killed. Again, this is karma without getting the heroes' hands dirty. Often, the death happens entirely off screen, with the villain's gruesome mauling being merely implied instead of shown, though sometimes you will hear sounds or see a silhouette of the carnage. Can also be used to bring the villain Back From the Dead, since really, did you think a mere bear would stop him?
| - When the bad guy is finished off by a large, vicious animal. Related to Disney Villain Death, can be a form of Big Damn Villains, it's a method to keep the hero's hands clean while still dispatching the villain. The difference is that that trope is more removing an obstacle without losing karma for the heroes, but this trope tends to tie up loose ends, and often dispatches a villain the heroes didn't really need killed. Again, this is karma without getting the heroes' hands dirty. Often, the death happens entirely off screen, with the villain's gruesome mauling being merely implied instead of shown, though sometimes you will hear sounds or see a silhouette of the carnage. Can also be used to bring the villain Back From the Dead, since really, did you think a mere bear would stop him? Though it doesn't have to be a bear, Everything's Worse with Bears. If it's another creature rather than an outright villain that gets chased away by the bear, it's because there's Always a Bigger Fish. And if the heroes called the bear here themselves, then it's Summon Bigger Fish. If it was the villain's own mistreated pet doing the mauling, that's a case of The Dog Bites Back. Inverse of Villain Exit Stage Left. Compare We Will Meet Again, and see also Just Desserts. May invoke the Tethercat Principle. As this is an Ending Trope, there may be spoilers ahead. Be warned. Examples of Exit, Pursued by a Bear include: