"Exodia" was, at first, a beast of such incalculable and intimidating might that he was split up into five distinctive parts, each one of them chained and sealed away by magic from all the other monsters (hence "the Forbidden One"). This would prevent his power from ever being used again. Shimon used Exodia against Zorc Necrophades, against whom he was equal; however, "Exodia" was defeated because he drew his power from Shimon, a single mortal man, whereas Zorc has his own power source.
Attributes | Values |
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| - "Exodia" was, at first, a beast of such incalculable and intimidating might that he was split up into five distinctive parts, each one of them chained and sealed away by magic from all the other monsters (hence "the Forbidden One"). This would prevent his power from ever being used again. Shimon used Exodia against Zorc Necrophades, against whom he was equal; however, "Exodia" was defeated because he drew his power from Shimon, a single mortal man, whereas Zorc has his own power source.
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fr name
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es lore
| - Si tienes "Pierna Derecha del Prohibido", "Pierna Izquierda del Prohibido", "Brazo Derecho del Prohibido" y "Brazo Izquierdo del Prohibido", además de esta carta en tu mano, ganas el Duelo.
sdd sets
| - Exodia the Forbidden One
Red Millennium Puzzle
Yellow Millennium Eye
el name
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gx1 sets
| - Special Ways
Dorothy's Gift
Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - このカードと「されしの」「されしの」「されしの」「されしの」がにてった、はデュエルにする。
tsc lore
| - One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins.
it lore
| - Se hai "Braccio Sx del Proibito", "Braccio Dx del Proibito", "Gamba Sx del Proibito" e "Gamba Dx del Proibito" in aggiunta a questa carta nella tua mano, vinci il Duello.
pt name
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| - If you have "Right Leg of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" and "Left Arm of the Forbidden One" in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel.
gx1 dp
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pt lore
| - Se, além deste card na sua mão, você tiver "Perna Direita de "O Proibido"", "Perna Esquerda de "O Proibido"", "Braço Direito de "O Proibido"" e "Braço Esquerdo de "O Proibido"", você vence o Duelo.
zh lore
| - 這張卡和「被封印者的右足」「被封印者的左足」「被封印者的右腕」「被封印者的左腕」在手卡全部齊集時,決鬥勝利。
it name
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dm1 number
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tsc number
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gx1 lore
| - An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One.
trans name
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ko lore
| - 이 카드와 "봉인된 자의 오른쪽 다리" "봉인된 자의 왼쪽 다리" "봉인된 자의 오른쪽 팔" "봉인된 자의 왼쪽 팔"이 패에 전부 모였을 때, 듀얼에서 승리한다.
de lore
| - Falls du zusätzlich zu dieser Karte „Rechtes Bein der Verbotenen‟, „Linkes Bein der Verbotenen‟, „Rechter Arm der Verbotenen‟ und „Linker Arm der Verbotenen‟ in deiner Hand hast, gewinnst du das Duell.
gx1 number
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ko name
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related to archseries
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de name
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| - * Forbidden One
* Exodia
* Duel winner
es name
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wc6 sets
| - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Spellcaster Collection A
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Si vous avez "Jambe Droite de l'Interdit", "Jambe Gauche de l'Interdit", "Bras Droit de l'Interdit" et "Bras Gauche de l'Interdit" en plus de cette carte dans votre main, vous gagnez le Duel.
tsc dc
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gx02 sets
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ntr sets
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effect types
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database id
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eds lore
| - An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One.
gx04 status
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th name
| - เอ็กโซเดียร์ ผู้ถูกปิดผนึก
gx03 sets
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wc07 sets
| - Powerful Seal
DARK Collection 1
Spellcaster Collection 1
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
zh name
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ar name
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Ja Name
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gx1 status
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| - "Exodia" was, at first, a beast of such incalculable and intimidating might that he was split up into five distinctive parts, each one of them chained and sealed away by magic from all the other monsters (hence "the Forbidden One"). This would prevent his power from ever being used again. Shimon used Exodia against Zorc Necrophades, against whom he was equal; however, "Exodia" was defeated because he drew his power from Shimon, a single mortal man, whereas Zorc has his own power source.
is ko lore
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is Card
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is wikipage disambiguates
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