The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation is an animated film released in 1986 by Columbia Pictures, and made by Canada's Nelvana Limited. In this commercial sequel/chronological prequel, the Care Bear Family tries to stop an evil villain named Dark Heart from ruining a summer camp, on their first Caring Mission, and save three campers named Christy, Dawn and John from his wrath.
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| - Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
| - The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation is an animated film released in 1986 by Columbia Pictures, and made by Canada's Nelvana Limited. In this commercial sequel/chronological prequel, the Care Bear Family tries to stop an evil villain named Dark Heart from ruining a summer camp, on their first Caring Mission, and save three campers named Christy, Dawn and John from his wrath.
- The movie was released in March of 1986. It was directed by Dale Schott, written by Peter Sauder & produced by Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert & Clive A. Smith.
- The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation is a 1986 American-Canadian children's animated film and the prequel to "The Care Bears Movie".
- Upon its release in March 1986, A New Generation gained mostly negative critical attention; some of its key elements received comparisons to the German legend Faust and J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan. The film grossed only US$8.5 million in North America, about a third of what the previous instalment earned, and over US$12 million worldwide. It was released on video in August 1986, and on DVD in April 2003.
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| - Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
| - Theatrical release poster
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| - North America:
- Worldwide:
- 1.2E7
- 8540346.0
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| - 1986-03-07(xsd:date)
- 1986-03-21(xsd:date)
- North America:
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| - The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation is an animated film released in 1986 by Columbia Pictures, and made by Canada's Nelvana Limited. In this commercial sequel/chronological prequel, the Care Bear Family tries to stop an evil villain named Dark Heart from ruining a summer camp, on their first Caring Mission, and save three campers named Christy, Dawn and John from his wrath.
- The movie was released in March of 1986. It was directed by Dale Schott, written by Peter Sauder & produced by Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert & Clive A. Smith.
- The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation is a 1986 American-Canadian children's animated film and the prequel to "The Care Bears Movie".
- Upon its release in March 1986, A New Generation gained mostly negative critical attention; some of its key elements received comparisons to the German legend Faust and J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan. The film grossed only US$8.5 million in North America, about a third of what the previous instalment earned, and over US$12 million worldwide. It was released on video in August 1986, and on DVD in April 2003.
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