| - The killing of a high-class bookie results in a trial, in which an attorney demonstrates a lot of showmanship and offers an unusual defense for his client.
- Now that's a sales pitch Vincent Hansen doesn't hear every day. But what exactly did they mean by chosen? In the Twilight Zone, Vince is about to find out the answer, whether he wants to or not. ”
- Chosen is an epic destiny available to characters in a divine class. It was printed in Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, and republished in Divine Power[FRPG:72][DP:152] This epic destiny has three features shared with all those being chosen, with the daily power at level 26 varying based on the selected deity. Of note, choosing this epic destiny is likely to bring interest of a rival deity who is willing to send their chosen after the adventurer.
- Chosen ist ein maskierter Rapper, der am JBB 2013, JBB 2014 und am RapSparring teilgenommen hat.
- The Chosen are the Elves who are chosen on an annual basis by the Ellcrys to care for and protect her. The Ellcrys is a magical tree that imprisons the Demons in a dimension called the Forbidding to keep them from escaping into the Four Lands.
- The Chosen are individuals imbued with divine power by one of the deities of the Realms, which grants them various abilities and boons, such as stopping the process of aging. It is believed that all deities are capable of choosing mortals, though it is impossible to say whether all of them take advantage of this power. It is possible for one being to be the chosen of more than one deity. As of 1485 DR there were no Chosen who weren't also exarchs.
- The Chosen are particularly devout, powerful worshipers of a deity who, as the title implies, have been granted special favor by their patron. They have many powers that others typically cannot attain through normal means, the most notable of which is their immortality. While uncommon, it is possible for someone to be the Chosen of more than one deity.
- "Chosen", the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is the twenty-second episode of the seventh season and is the one hundred forty-fourth episode altogether. It was written and directed by Joss Whedon. It originally broadcast on May 20, 2003. "Chosen" depicts the events leading to and including the final battle between the Potential Slayers, organized by Buffy and her friends and The First Evil.
- The Chosen is what the Forsaken call themselves, and are called by Darkfriends. Among Seanchan Darkfriends, they are called Da'concion, the Chosen Ones.
- The Chosen are a species used in World 10: School. They have recently began attending the school after their previous establishments were destroyed.
- Summary: A new disease strikes Albia. A magical plant hidden somewhere on the disc planet can cure it; but it's rather selective about who can gather it. The heroine of the story, Kaia from Union, sets out to get it and save Albia. Fictionised seems to have disappeared, and the author isn't really keen on putting her fanfic from when she was twelve back on the internet. Sorry.
- The Chosen is a title bestowed on those who successfuly link with a dragon in Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter.
- "Chosen" will be the 65th episode of Haven and the thirteenth episode of the fifth season, airing on Syfy on 4 December 2014.
- The Chosen is known to be a member of a mana lineage, and their parents are brought together by the Church of Martel. Zelos Wilder is an example on this, as his father and mother were forced into an arranged marriage despite both of them loving others. Likewise, Colette Brunel's ancestry carries the mana lineage, its marriages having been dictated by the Oracle. Chosen are default members of the Church of Martel and taught its beliefs, as well as angelic language. At some point, Chosen also learn about their destiny at the final seal in the Journey of Regeneration, which is to sacrifice their life and humanity for the sake of becoming an angel. Despite this, most common citizens are unaware of this hidden reality. In actuality, a successful Chosen does not become an angel at all. Rather, h
- "Skys Cloud?" a soft voice whispered. A white tom-wolf looked up, his sharp muzzle and fuzzy ears and the necklace around his neck with a lightning bolt, a dark cloud, wind currents, and waves, gave away he was a tracker. He barked softly, "Yes?" The She-wolf barked, "The evil has started within the carrier." Sky's Cloud nodded, "I know, Broken Song, but I'm not sure who to pick." Broken Song twitched, "Why not someone young and true?" Skys Cloud looked at her. "You know it's against ancient law to pick a young cat," he glared at Broken Song, "Who knows what would happen if I broke the law."
- To be Chosen is to be selected by a Companion to be a Herald, one of the elite guardians of the nation of Valdemar. It is stated that if one is destined to be a Herald than they will often find their way to Haven and to their Companion. If not, then the Companion will go out on Search, often traveling very far away to reach their Chosen. Companions can become violent and agitated if they are denied the right to see their Chosen, as with the Companion Dallen and his Chosen Mags, in Foundation.
- The Chosen was the name given by the people of Dalera to those who possessed the Ancient Technology Activation gene. Those on the planet itself were the offspring of Dalera and her Human mate. The Chosen were the leaders of the planet who used the gene to activate the Shield of Dalera as their planet's defensive system against the Wraith.
- Chosen (Mirinae in Korea, Avatar in Philippines, Artemis in Indonesia) is Rin's 4th job. After being discovered unconscious within the ruins by the Grand Chase, Rin tells the Chase the story of how her village was destroyed and how she is currently being hunted down. Dio, who had been investigating the area, discovers that the dark energy pursing Rin originates from a powerful, high-ranking demon. In order to understand the reason behind the demon's actions as well as to protect Rin, Rin is invited into the Grand Chase and they proceed on their journey.
- - An unknown Chosen of Tzeentch Αχ οι Chosen! Οι εκλεκτοί...οι προταθλητές Tzeentch ειναι πραγματικά αξιοθαύμαστοι, κυριευμένοι από τις ευλογίες των σκοτεινών θεών, αυτά τα "μαμούθ" έχουν και την δύναμη αλλά και το μέγεθος για να συγκριθούν ακόμα και με τα πιό τρομερά πλάσματα. Η χοντρή στολή τους μπορεί να αντέξει τα πιο ανελέητα χτυπήματα, ενώ τα τεράστια τους όπλα μπορούν να πετσοκόψουν ακόμα και την σκληρότερη άμυνα. Αλλά όλα έχουν και ένα "τίμημα"- οι Chosen είναι δεμένοι με τον Tzeentch, και πρέπει συνεχώς να κερδίζουν την εύνοια του. Αυτό σημαίνει κάτι περισσότερο από θάνατο και σφαγές. Για να κερδίσουν την επιείκεια του Changer of Ways, οι Chosen πρέπει να είναι πονηροί όσο και αιμοβόροι. Μόνο μέσω προσεχτικού σχεδιασμού και πλοκής μπορεί ένας Chosen να βρει παγματικά την εύνοια το
- It is later on discovered that this is a hoax. The White Mantle are indeed looking for people with great potential but they do not take them to study, instead they brutally sacrifice them on Bloodstones. This is not just over-zealous fanaticism, there are two reasons the White Mantle do this: You find out in the Sanctum Cay mission that your character is in fact one of the chosen.
- In Chosen, players take control of a follower of Seth, named Kissa. She has been chosen by Seth to defeat Uraeusis, Apophis' abomination. Uraeusis has already charmed some Men and Gods in preparation for the destruction of the world. Kissa is dispatched into the underworld where she must fight through armies of soldiers from the gods and reach Uraeusis, and finally destroy him forever. This total conversion requires ZDoom to run, and 'Scale Text in High Res' must be disabled or else the game will crash.