Bring the Gob Squad past the northern Dragonmaw Gate to the entrance of Grim Batol. If you are separated from the Gob Squad, return to Warlord Krogg in Wyrms' Bend to be reassigned.
* Grim Batol entrance secured
Bring the Gob Squad past the northern Dragonmaw Gate to the entrance of Grim Batol. If you are separated from the Gob Squad, return to Warlord Krogg in Wyrms' Bend to be reassigned.
* Grim Batol entrance secured
Bring the Gob Squad past the northern Dragonmaw Gate to the entrance of Grim Batol. If you are separated from the Gob Squad, return to Warlord Krogg in Wyrms' Bend to be reassigned.
* Grim Batol entrance secured