| - Dogen was an abbot of the Temple of Osano-Wo. In the year 527 he counseled the Crab Clan Champion Hida Oshu to expel Gorinno and his followers of the Order of the Five Rings as soon as possible to prevent the wrath of Osano-Wo. Oshu ordered Gorinno to leave the Crab lands, despite their arrival the previous year was instrumental to break the Siege of Shiro Kuni. This act led to open conflict between Fortunist and Shintaoist sects of the Brotherhood of Shinsei through the Empire.
- Dogen (道厳 Dōgen) was a member of the Others and master of the Temple. He was drowned in the spring by Sayid, who was persuaded to do so by the Man in Black. Dogen preferred to speak in Japanese with the aid of his translator, Lennon, who indicated that Dogen was the only person capable of keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple. Once Dogen was murdered, the Man in Black entered the Temple as a pillar of smoke and massacred the Others who chose to keep their allegiance with Jacob.
- Dogen (道厳 Dōgen) era uno de los Otros refugiados en el Templo. Parece tener una posición de liderazgo entre el grupo. ("LA X - Part 2")
- Dogen foi um dos moradores do Templo. Ele aparentava ter uma posição de liderança entre o grupo. Foi morto afogado por Sayid.
- Dogen was the chimpanzee Lawgiver of Primacy.
- Dogen (道厳 Dōgen) was a member of the Others and master of the Temple. He was drowned to death by Sayid, who was persuaded to do so by the Man in Black. Dogen preferred to speak in Japanese with the aid of his translator, Lennon, who indicated that Dogen was the only person capable of keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple. Once Dogen was murdered, the Man in Black entered the Temple as a pillar of smoke and massacred the Others who chose to keep their allegiance with Jacob.
- Dogen is een lid van de Anderen en blijkt een leidinggevende functie te hebben in de Tempel. Het blijkt dat hij van het bestaan en gevaar van de Man in Black en zijn conflict met Jacob afweet aangezien Dogen het alarm liet afgaan en de Tempel volledig liet beveiligen nadat hij te weten kwam dat Jacob was overleden. Hij praat in het Japans via zijn tolk Lennon om afstand te houden van zijn mensen voor het leidinggeven, hoewel hij wel Engels kan verstaan en spreken.
- Legendary planet ruled by Saint Lextius. It was once the home of House Kambei but Lextius closed its jumpgate in the Diaspora. It is rumoured to be near Li Halan Worlds. A legend says Captain Aames of the Second Republic fled there during the Fall.
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Dogen (道厳 Dōgen) era un membro degli Altri e padrone del Tempio. Viene ucciso da Sayid, che è stato persuaso a farlo da L'Uomo in Nero. Dogen preferiva parlare in giapponese, comunicando con le altre persone tramite il suo traduttore, Lennon, il quale ha indicato che Dogen era l'unica persona in grado di mantenere L'Uomo in Nero fuori del Tempio. Una volta che Dogen è stato ucciso, l'uomo in nero entra nel tempio, come una colonna di fumo, e massacra tutti gli altri che hanno scelto di mantenere la loro fedeltà con Jacob.
- Dogen ist ein Tempelbewohner und scheint der Anführer zu sein. Er spricht nicht gern Englisch sondern bevorzugt Japanisch, weshalb Lennon ihn übersetzt.
- Dogen - jeden z Innych żyjących na Wyspie. Był przywódcą grupy zamieszkującej świątynię i najprawdopodobniej odpowiadał przed samym Jacobem. Pomimo znajomości języka angielskiego przemawiał po japońsku za pośrednictwem tłumacza, według którego Dogen był jedyną osobą która trzymała Potwora na zewnątrz. Kiedy mistrz został zamordowany, wróg Jacoba wdarł się do świątyni jako słup czarnego dymu i zabił Innych, którzy nie opowiedzieli się po jego stronie.
- Dogen (en japonais 道厳 Dōgen) était le gardien du Temple. D'origine japonaise, il utilisait un traducteur, Lennon, afin de garder ses distances par rapport aux gens qu'il dirigeait. Il a été tué par Sayid à la source du Temple pour permettre l'entrée du Monstre.
- Dogen is the crime czar of Glass and his real name and murky origins are known only to himself. He specializes in black market goods and contraband and his customers are found among the high and low. His network is extensive, especially among the more corrupt elements of the Conglomerate, and many a security officer has at one time or another found herself indebted to Dogen.
- Dogen was an apparent member of the Others stationed at the Temple at the time of Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Jin's arrival. The four survivors had come to the temple, at Jacob's behest to Hurley, to attempt to revive and heal Sayid, who was dying from a gunshot wound. Dogen appeared out of the temple along with Lennon, with the latter acting as a translator for the Japanese man. Dogen instructed Lennon to have the survivors shot, which was only stayed when Hurley announced they were sent by Jacob, and produced proof of this claim. Hurley produced the guitar case given to him by Jacob, which contained a large wooden Ankh sculpture. Dogen then promptly broke the sculpture over his knee, and removed a note from inside. After demanding to learn the survivors' names, Dogen then left, with Lennon a