| - The Kingdom of Westonina was first started in the middle-part of the year 2008 as a joke. King Weston I remarked that if he had a million dollars, he would “buy a castle and make a new nation.” An acquaintance of the then-not King Weston I remarked “It should be called Westonina”. After a week of nothing happened, a group of other acquaintances formed there own nation and put King Weston I at the bottom of there ranking pole. Unwilling to serve what he considered an unlawful government, King Weston I broke away from there nation and formed his own; taking the name of Westonina and making himself King. Taking an old love of making his own fictional nations for fun, a hobby he stemmed from playing Civilization 3 and 2, he set to work on making his government. Several of his friends agreed to become citizens, and King Weston I history teacher applauded the idea as original. The ground bases of Westonina began to form. Still, the first phase of The Kingdom of Westonina didn’t last through the Eighth grade year. Losing interest in the project when he entered high-school, King Weston I nearly forgot about his tiny nation when his citizens also began forgetting about the Kingdom; there minds too pre-occupied by the new pressures of High School. Still, in the back recesses of his mind, King Weston I still thought about Westonina during those boring moments of class when his new history teacher droned on about things he already knew about. King Weston I then began to plot his return to power. Using simulation games like the Civilization series and Tropico 3, King Weston I learned how to lead a nation with both compassion and an iron fist. Still, it would be at least two years before King Weston I returned to the micronational scene in a unexpected way.