| - Darhirc Nylfn was born on the planet Ukio, and Nylfn worked as a laborer on a farm. Nylfn eventually spurning this life in favor of a criminal profession dealing in illegal intoxicants like spice and death sticks. Eventually, however, Darhirc's mother fell ill and Darhirc attempted to flee the planet. Turned down, Darhirc was betrayed by the Ukian government and arrested, before finally leaving the planet some few years later. Having left Ukio, Nylfn became a slicer in a criminal organization, where he sliced into computer terminals to retrieve information.
| - Darhirc Nylfn was born on the planet Ukio, and Nylfn worked as a laborer on a farm. Nylfn eventually spurning this life in favor of a criminal profession dealing in illegal intoxicants like spice and death sticks. Eventually, however, Darhirc's mother fell ill and Darhirc attempted to flee the planet. Turned down, Darhirc was betrayed by the Ukian government and arrested, before finally leaving the planet some few years later. Having left Ukio, Nylfn became a slicer in a criminal organization, where he sliced into computer terminals to retrieve information. Having worked under the smuggler Samuel Tomas Gillespee, Darhirc eventually retired after slicing the Galactic Empire's news network, the HoloNet. Retiring to Ukio, Darhirc did not reemerge as a criminal until some years later, when Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked Ukio. Nylfn was one of the first members of Gillespee's Smuggler group that Gillespee called upon when fleeing Ukio. Darhirc held misgivings about Gillespee joining Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance, and so Nylfn left Gillespee's group shortly before the end of the galactic crisis caused by Thrawn. Travelling out to the planet Belkadan, Darhirc sought out the Brubb criminal Brasck to join his organization. Brasck accepting, Darhirc served as a smuggler under Brasck for some time, before being killed by Osarians above the planet Rhomammool.