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- Born in Portland, Oregon, and raised in Lubbock, Texas, Alex made his artistic debut at three when, according to his mother, he grabbed a piece of paper and drew the contents of a television commercial he'd seen moments before. Ross came from an artistic family: his mother was a commercial artist and his grandfather, he recalls, "built working wooden toys and loved drawing." When Ross discovered Spider-Man on an episode of The Electric Company, his life was changed forever. "I just fell in love with the notion that there were colorful characters like this, performing good, sometimes fantastic deeds," Ross says. "I guess I knew this was what I wanted to do. I wanted to bring these characters to life."
- Alex Ross hará las portadas de la serie de cómics Star Wars, publicada por Dark Horse Comics. Nació el 22 de enero de 1970.
- January 29, 2008 music critic music critic 20th century's story can be told through its music
* book: The Rest Is Noise
* composers had relationships with politicians
* Reagan used Copeland-esque music
* Copeland flirted with communism (under the shirt, over the bra, first base)
* Some rock and roll
* Dylan
* Bowie
* No barbershop quartet Image:StephenHead1.png Image:GetColbertFamily.jpg Alex Rossneeds to be ColbertizedPlease watch and take notes fromthe correct episode of The Colbert Report to get it right!
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Alex Ross File:Alex Ross.jpg Gallery Real Name Alex Ross Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]]
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Alex Ross Real Name Nelson Alexander Ross Pseudonyms Alex Ross Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]]
- Alex Ross (born January 22, 1970) is an American comic book artist who has drawn covers for the first four issues of Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars comic series. He has also provided variant covers for the first issues of Marvel Comics' 2015 Star Wars, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and Lando series. Ross did a piece for the 2010 art book Star Wars Art: Visions titled Empire of Style. His artwork for the book was later used as a cover for the French magazine Star Wars – La Saga en BD #38 published by Delcourt.