The Zaranites were a humanoid species. As of the mid-2270s, Zaranites were serving in Starfleet. There were at least three Zaranites aboard the USS Enterprise during the V'ger incident. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
The Zaranites were a humanoid species. As of the mid-2270s, Zaranites were serving in Starfleet. There were at least three Zaranites aboard the USS Enterprise during the V'ger incident. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Zaranites are a species of mammalian humanoids native to the planet Zaran II, the second planet of the Byrdica system.
The Zaranites were a humanoid species. As of the mid-2270s, Zaranites were serving in Starfleet. There were at least three Zaranites aboard the USS Enterprise during the V'ger incident. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
Zaranites are a species of mammalian humanoids native to the planet Zaran II, the second planet of the Byrdica system.