| - Überraschend taucht Ingo Tochter plötzlich wieder im Loft auf und hat nichts Besseres zu tun, als Annette zu schikanieren. Annette ärgert sich, erkennt jedoch nicht, dass Zoé erfolgreich dabei ist, Annette und Ingo gegeneinander auszuspielen. Vanessa Racheakt bewirkt, dass es sich Deniz mit Simone verscherzt. Simone ist sowütend, dass sie ihn fristlos entlässt. Als Vanessa sich als Übeltäterin zu erkennen gibt, ist Simone aber bereit, Deniz seinen Job wieder zurück zu geben, doch nur unter zwei Bedingungen. Lena trifft auf einen überheblichen und arroganten Trainingsschützling. Lena erträgt lange Zeit seine anzüglichen Sprüche und Anmachversuche. Doch als er handgreiflich wird, eskaliert die Situation...
- El cuatrocientos sesenta y ocho (468) es el número natural que sigue al 467 y precede al 469. Categoría:Números
- Eric Lang examines Victoria in preparation for releasing her and notices the puncture marks on her neck are gone because the cause of the marks has been eliminated. As Vicki is packing to leave, Jeff Clark shows up and offers to drive her home. Vicki asks him where he is staying, and he says at the inn. Dr. Lang enters and Vicki introduces Jeff to him, then she goes to see Barnabas before leaving. Alone with Jeff, Lang expresses his disapproval of Jeff taking Victoria home. He asks Jeff where he would be and what he would be doing if he wasn't working for him. Jeff storms out.
| - Überraschend taucht Ingo Tochter plötzlich wieder im Loft auf und hat nichts Besseres zu tun, als Annette zu schikanieren. Annette ärgert sich, erkennt jedoch nicht, dass Zoé erfolgreich dabei ist, Annette und Ingo gegeneinander auszuspielen. Vanessa Racheakt bewirkt, dass es sich Deniz mit Simone verscherzt. Simone ist sowütend, dass sie ihn fristlos entlässt. Als Vanessa sich als Übeltäterin zu erkennen gibt, ist Simone aber bereit, Deniz seinen Job wieder zurück zu geben, doch nur unter zwei Bedingungen. Lena trifft auf einen überheblichen und arroganten Trainingsschützling. Lena erträgt lange Zeit seine anzüglichen Sprüche und Anmachversuche. Doch als er handgreiflich wird, eskaliert die Situation...
- Eric Lang examines Victoria in preparation for releasing her and notices the puncture marks on her neck are gone because the cause of the marks has been eliminated. As Vicki is packing to leave, Jeff Clark shows up and offers to drive her home. Vicki asks him where he is staying, and he says at the inn. Dr. Lang enters and Vicki introduces Jeff to him, then she goes to see Barnabas before leaving. Alone with Jeff, Lang expresses his disapproval of Jeff taking Victoria home. He asks Jeff where he would be and what he would be doing if he wasn't working for him. Jeff storms out. When Victoria returns to the room, Lang tells her Jeff suddenly remembered an urgent appointment and left so he offers to drive her home. They chat while Lang finishes his paperwork, and asks Vicki about her family. When Vicki mentions she has no family, Lang seems very interested. Lang says he has a feeling that she is destined for a very unusual, very significant life. At Collinwood, Julia and Carolyn discuss the change they see in Barnabas. Julia also comments that Carolyn has changed back to her old self. Carolyn removes the scarf from her neck and Julia notices that the bite marks have vanished. When Vicki tells Carolyn about Jeff Clark, Carolyn suggests she call him. He may really be Peter Bradford and not know it. When Vicki calls the Collinsport Inn and asks for him, she is told Jeff is not registered there. Vicki feels certain more than ever that she must find the secret mausoleum room to prove to herself that her trip to the past was real. Julia offers to go with her. Vicki and Julia arrive at the cemetery, but when they enter the mausoleum, they are shocked to find Jeff there. He can't explain why he is there, only that he was out for a walk. Vicki remembers that the secret room was behind the back wall, but doesn't remember how to get in. Jeff goes to the wall ornament over Naomi Collins' sarcophagus and pulls the ring. The door opens, everyone looks inside and sees a coffin.
- El cuatrocientos sesenta y ocho (468) es el número natural que sigue al 467 y precede al 469. Categoría:Números