| - "THEORY" is 164's third album which contains 15 original tracks, plus one bonus track. Unlike the two previous albums, all of the songs are sung by GUMI. エスペイ is also featured in the song "The Last Promise". The album is purchasable on Amazon, CD Japan, and Rakuten
- Creationist and Intelligent design proponents often like to describe the theory of evolution as just a theory. This relies on equivocating the common usage of the term theory meaning "wild guess" with the scientific term. The scientific term hypothesis covers what most lay people call a theory. Theories are the single highest level of scientific achievement and nothing is just a theory. Examples include the theory of gravity, plate tectonics, atomic theory, and germ theory.
- Theory is a term originating from two different sources: 1.
* The English word The, meaning "The" 2.
* The Japanese word Ory, translated literally as "big lie no one can prove". “In theory there shouldn't be any difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.” ~ Isaac Newton on theory
- A theory is a structured, explanatory, abstract and coherent set of interconnected statements about a reality. In cybernetics, modelling is a constituent part of theory building.
- Gregory Edgeworth is a master of theory crafting.
- Theory aka El Limon - Mieszkaniec Winktown. Założyciel Zjednoczonych Emiratów Zielonych Wysp. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Winkowie Kategoria:Zielonowyspiarze
- Ontology is concerned with what one considers to be the fundamental elements of the world. Epistemology is concerned with the question of how we come to know what we know Theory in an Era of Critical Diversity 33 about these fundamental elements. From this position one can make decisions about one’s methodological preferences: how we illustrate that our ontological premise is correct.
- A theory is an explanation for an observed phenomenon that is consistent with all known evidence and has withstood repeated tests designed to disprove it. A theory originates from a valid hypothesis. A theory should have predictive capabilities: that is, it should identify things that should happen and should not happen in situations to which it applies. It is possible for a given phenomenon to have multiple theories to explain it, so long as all of the theories are consistent with the known evidence.
- In the mathematical sense a theory is a system of true knowledge about some set of mathematical phenomena able of being formalized in an axiomatical-deductive fashion. Sometimes the term theory is confused with the term theorem or conjecture. Although, arguably, the only distinction between a conjecture and a theory is frequency of implementation and expected reliability, since no axiomatic principle is proven. Examples of a theory are:
* Geometry
* Analysis
* Algebra
* Dynamical systems
* Topology
- A theory, in lay terms, is an unproved or unprovable guess similar in definition to a scientific hypothesis. In scientific terms it is "an explanation of a set of related Observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers." Thus it is the end result of the scientific method. Examples of scientific theories include the theory of relativity, atomic theory, and quantum theory.
- When Wonder Woman was interrogating members of G.R.E.P.S., she was convinced that she was going the wrong way about investigating things. She was convinced that no on in the agency could have been involved with the theft of raw plastic. She was wrong however, and Polly Lean, who was involved with the thefts, intentionally misdirects Wonder Woman, telling her that she shares her theory. When the Junior Super Friends learn about the Raven, Marvin asks if he is still in prison, and Aquaman says: "Theoretically yes."
- Theories are made up by scientists and math nerds who aren't smart enough to understand intelligent design. Sometimes called faux truthiness by patriotic students of the subject, a theory purports to establish a truth by showing that it fits the facts (a fatal flaw) or follows from rigorous logical reasoning (even worse.) The Greatest President - EVER (that's George W. Bush for any tree-huggers that may be reading this) has waged a tireless war against this heresy.