| - Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and a large region of Italy. Sicily is where Sophia was born and where she lived before moving to New York City in America. According to Sophia, Sicily's major export is ransom notes.
- Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and along with surrounding minor island it constitutes an autonomous region of Italy.
- Sicily es un hombre con bigotes negros delgados y puntiagudo, pelo y barba de color café, tiene una cicatriz debajo de su ojo izquierdo. Viste con el uniforme oficial y clásico de la Marina, con un sombrero que le permite salir su cabello atado en una cola de caballo. En el anime es mostrado como un marine anónimo con ropa similar a la anteriormente descrita, conservando su barba pero sin su largo cabello, con los bigotes, la cicatriz en su rostro y un cuerpo más delgado.
- Sicily adalah Laksamana Muda Angkatan Laut.
- Sicily is a Marine Rear Admiral.
- Sicily is an island in Italy.
- The flag of Sicily.
- Sicily — мультиплеерная карта в Call of Duty: United Offensive. Базируется на уровнях одиночной игры Сицилия 1 и Сицилия 2.
- Sicily (シシリー, Shishirī) est un Soldat au rang de Contre-Amiral de la Marine.
- Sicily — автомобильная марка в игре «Mafia Ⅱ». Прототипом послужила «Миланская машиностроительная компания», ставшая впоследствии более известной под аббревиатурой OM.
- Sicily is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. They can be released as a vassal if in control of the province, or be released independently in a peace deal.
- Sicily (Italian: Sicilia) is a shire of Italy and the biggest iland in the Mediterranean Sea, with a landbreadth of 25,000km2 and 5 micklered indwellers. Sicily gainstands Calabria over the Messina Sound. Firefell Etna stands 3,320m tall, near the town of Catania, the highest in Europe, and one of the most bustling in the world.
- Sicily, officially the Republic of Sicily (Esperanto: Respubliko Sicilio; Sicilian: Ripùbblica dâ Sicilia), is a member state of the European Federation. Its capital is Palermu.
- The Sicilians have the power of Commerce. They replace the Nubians.
- Sicily is an island off the south coast of Italy. It is most famous in the Call of Duty series for Operation Husky near Gela, Piano Lupo, Troina and other coastal areas.
- After San-Marinese, Ingentian invasions and WWIII. Italy was revived in 2285. But in 2367, because of economical issues, Sicily declared independence from Italy.
- Sicily is a large island situated off the coast of southern Italia. It contains Mount Etna, a large active volcano, where Ares placed Xena and Gabrielle, conserving them for 25 years. Joxer and Meg set up a tavern here, which was full of Xena and Gabrielle memorabilia. After Joxer's death, Xena, Gabrielle and Eve hid from the Olympians there.
- Sicily è un contrammiraglio del quartier generale della Marina.
- Vulcan, a small island, was located just off Sicily. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
- Sicily's most powerful city-state, Syracuse, was conquered by Alkibiades of Athens during one of the definitive battles of the Peloponnesian Wars.
- Sicily (Italian: Sicilia) is a large island south to Italy, a souveraign state and a member state of the Italian Confederation.
- Sicily is an Angel Trainee and a playable character in Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness. She claims to be Laharl's younger sister.
- Sicilia or Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, historically closely affliliated with the Italian peninsula from which it is separated by the Strait of Messina. Throughout much of its history, Sicily has been considered a crucial strategic location due in large part to its importance for Mediterranean trade routes. The area was highly regarded as part of Magna Graecia, with Cicero describing Siracusa as the greatest and most beautiful city of all Ancient Greece.
- Sicily (Italian and Sicilian: Sicilia) is an autonomous region of Italy. Of all the regions of Italy, Sicily covers the largest land area at 25,708 km² and currently has five million inhabitants. It is also the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, several much smaller islands surrounding it are also considered to be part of Sicily. Along with Sardinia, the island is officially classified as a region of Insular Italy. Throughout much of its history, Sicily has been considered a crucial strategic location due in large part to its importance for Mediterranean trade routes. The area was highly regarded as part of Magna Graecia, with Cicero describing Siracusa as the greatest and most beautiful city of all Ancient Greece.Although a region of Italy today, Sicily was once its own
- Sicily is an Italian island located at the foot of Italy. Sicily is famous to many people because of the Mafia, but it is also popular these days for tourism purposes. Sicily boasts excellent all year round weather, lovely beaches and excellent food and wines. The two main cities are Palermo (on the North Western coast) and Catania (on the East coast). Catania is in many ways famous because of the Etna Volcano. The main airports into Sicily are Catania and Palermo airports. To learn about flights and getting to Sicily, Italy, go here.
- Sicily belongs to the independent republic of Italy, which is supposed having been seceded from Europe on 1491, just one year before Christopher Columbus discovered America. Having it been one year later, maybe Columbus would have been discovered Sicily and history would have been completely different, with United States of Italy at USA's place.
- Sicily is an island at the base of Italy. Sicily was one of the islands of Italy and it's the biggest of the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is estimated to 25,711 km2 (9,927 square miles). Sicily has nine provinces: Palermo, Catania, Messina, Agrigento, Trapani, Siracusa, Ragusa, Caltanissetta and Enna. It is known as the birthplace of the Cosa Nostra. In 1891, Vito Corleone (born Andolini) was born in the small village of Corleone in Sicily. In 1901, after his parents and brother were killed by Corleone's Don, Ciccio, Vito fled the country and left to find his future in the America.
- Sicily is an island off the coast of Italy. It was a region of intense military action throughout World War II. Sgt. Rock once led Easy Company on a mission there and had a standoff with Nazi soldiers at the Temple of Jupiter. During the battle, Easy Company's chaplain, Father Kelly, was killed while saving the other men in his unit. Also during this time, the Creature Commandos came to Sicily where they encountered Inferna, Goddess of the Flame and daughter of the God Pluto. Although Inferna proved adversarial at first, Commando Myrra Rhodes convinced her to leave them alone, and she disappeared from Sicily, returning to the Netherworld.