| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- Thrym(スリュムSuryumu) is the Crimson Lord contracted to Norman Purcell.
- Thrym was a titan, worshiped by the frost giants as the giant god of cold and ice. He was the de facto leader of the frost giants as well. Thrym ruled the realm of Fimbulwinter in the Elemental Chaos, described as a large, desolate tundra accented by sparkling frozen waterfalls. His stronghold and feast hall was called Nyfholl. In earlier cosmological models his realm was described as mountainous but still filled with snow, ice, frost, and glaciers.
- Thrym, Lord of Frost Giants is a demigod of the Asgardian Pantheon. At the Godsmoot, Thrym appeared through his High Priest to vote on the destruction of the world after the High Priest of Balder managed to attract their attention due to the disappearance of the ushers. Though he did not reveal his motives, he voted yes.
- Thrym is a level 80 elite flesh titan found in Zul'Drak. He patrols from the border of Crystalsong Forest to the second tier. Thrym was created from the corpses of local storm giants by Prince Navarius, a darkfallen warlord who resides in Zul'Drak. During File:Neutral 15.png [74] The Storm King's Vengeance, Thrym disappears until Navarius is killed, in which case he will attack.
- thumb|left|200px|Symbol ThrymaThrym.
- Thrym was King of the Jotuns (frost giants) who ruled over the realm of Jotunheim in Norse mythology. He stole Mjollnir (Thor's Hammer) once. He was killed by Thor.
- Thrym to Tytan ciała elitarnego poziomu 80, którego można napotkać w Zul'Drak. Patroluje on główną ulicę od granicy Lasu Kryształowej Pieśni aż do drugiego poziomu. Thrym został stworzony z trupów burzowych gigantów przez księcia Navariusa, Mrocznego Upadłego wodza, który przebywa w Zul'Drak. Podczas zadania Grafika:Neutral_15.gif [74] The Storm King's Vengeance Thrym znika aż do czasu śmierci Navariusa, kiedy to podejmie atak.
- Thrym (スリュム, Suryumu?) is the boss located on the 4th (last) floor of the inverted ice pyramid dungeon known as Thrymheim in ALfheim Online as well as the boss required to be killed for The Holy Sword of the Ice Palace quest. Unlike the bosses of New Aincrad, Thrym's three large Hit Point (HP) bars are visible to players. He is the main antagonist of the Calibur side story.
- Thrym ist ein Titan, der von Frostriesen als eine Gottheit der Kälte und des Winters, verehrt wird. Er ist eine hühnenhafte Gestalt mit weißen Augen, blauen Haaren der stehts wütend zu knurren scheint. Thrym herrscht über das Reich Fimbulwinter im Elementaren Chaos, einer weiten Tundra die nur von Eisfällen beleuchtet wird. Seine Festung und Methalle wird Nyfholl genannt.
- Volk Fleischtitan Volk Art Untoter Zugehörigkeit Geißel Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zul'Drak Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Thrym, der Hoffnungstöter, ist ein gitantischer untoter Fleischtitan in der Nähe der nach ihm benannten Geißelbasis Thryms Ende in Zul'Drak. Einst war er ein Sturmriese, der der Geißel zum Opfer fiel und dasselbe Schicksal teilte, wie viele andere seiner Brüder. Die Geißel verwendet die Leichen der Riesen, um daraus entweder hirnlose Fleischriesen zu erschaffen oder noch Schlimmeres: zusammengeflickte Fleischtitanen wie Thrym. Kategorie:Zul'Drak NSC Kategorie:Fleischriesen