| - "Group Bosses are powerful enemies that cannot be defeated in one combat.To defeat a Group Boss, enlist the help of your friends. You can also help your friends by visiting their map.You'll earn silver for each combat, and Lockboxes when the Group Boss is defeated.Lockboxes contain a random prize, including a chance at winning a unique playable hero!Lockboxes can be opened in the Collections menu on the Flight Deck.Be sure you and your friends defeat the Group Boss before its timer expires, or it will escape and return later at full health!" — S.H.I.E.L.D. Intel A Group Boss is designed to be combated by a Player and their Allies. It was introduced in Special Operations - Vision of the Future. A Group Boss battle is similar to a Boss battle, but must be fought several times. It costs 10 Energy and 20 Unstable Isotope-8 to initiate on a Player's map, but does not require any Resources if initiated on an Ally's map. In Group Boss information by hover adds the red text "will escape in X rounds". After the 3rd round, Group Boss gains effect ( for Ultron). When this effect lasts for more than 1 round and attacked, the Group Boss will flee. The Group Boss has 35 times of base Health. The Group Boss's Health does not always match between before and during the combat. The Group Boss' level is always ??? and the grunts' levels are 1.2x of Agent level if present. The Team-Up! is not present in Group Boss. Supplies, Distress Calls, and Combat Store are disabled during the battle. Ending the battle will not progress the current mission and does not add to a mission score. For Silver dropping: From Spec Ops 8 to Spec Ops 18, Group Boss drops at the rate of 1 Silver per 1 damage taken (From Spec Ops 8 - 18, 30 - Present) or drops the rate of 0.75 Silver per 1 damage taken (From Spec Ops 19 - 27). Damage that Health is below 0 do not drop additional Silver.