| - Akatsuki is one of the players trapped in the MMORPG Elder Tale. She is a Human Assassin-Tracker who joins Shiroe and Naotsugu, later becoming one of the founding members of Log Horizon. She was a member of the Akiba Raid Party and of the Shibuya Raid Team. Her Overskill is Shadow Lurk. In the real world, her name is Shizuka Hanekura (羽倉静).
- Madara plánuje shromáždit 9 ocasých démonů, přivést zpět desetiocasého a stát se jeho jinchuurikim. Poté chce na měsíc použít techniku Mugen tsukuyomi a ovládnout tím celý svět ninjů.
- You may be searching for:
* Akatsuki (Canon Organization)
* Akatsuki (Fanon)
* Akatsuki (BW)
- Es una organizacion maligna cuales fines es conquistar todas las dimenciones.
- L'Akatsuki è un'organizzazione misteriosa di ninja/stregoni/scienziati pazzi del manga "Naruto 1/2". La loro missione è quella di estrapolare le bestie dalle lunghe code per poterli inserire attraverso l'apposita fessura nel satanarchibugiardinfernalgolem detto "Re dell'Inferno". L'estrapolazione del demone avviene attraverso la tecnica di gruppo chiamata: "Tecnica dell'Orgia Furiosa", che consiste nell'assottigliare i portatori dei demoni per tre giorni e tre notti (quando c'era Orochimaru bastava mezza giornata) in modo da far fuoriuscire il demone completamente rincoglionito e infilarlo in profondità nell'opportuno slot della statua/robot.
- Akatsuki cần cho Nhiệm vụ A10, A52, A53 và Nhiệm vụ B12, B42, B44, B45.
- Akatsuki leader of the FLAT4 and the counterpart to Doremi Harukaze. He is also prince of the Wizard World, though this fact was concealed until episode 46.
- bla bla bla bla bla text und so
- It's original aim was to simply help establish peace in the world, but upon Nagato taking over, the goal became to capture the 9 Tailed Beast in order to use their powers to establish world peace, and even after that, when Obito took over, he goal became to simply use the Tailed Beasts to rule the world. Despite them sharing the same main goal, many joined for other personal reasons, such as money or salvation. This organization is no longer exists and has since disbanded due to all the members either leaving the group or having passed away.
- thumb|left Die Akatsuki (jap.: "Aka"="rot"; "Tsuki"="Mond") ist ein Aufklärungs-U-Boot der japanischen Regierung unter dem Kommando von Käpt´n Kusakari.Dementsprechend ist es nicht bewaffnet, sondern dient eigentlich ausschließlich nichtmilitärischen Einsätzen. So wird es in "Die Brut des Teufels" eingesetzt, um unter Wasser nach Überresten des außerirdischen Riesenroboters Konga zu suchen. Dabei wird es aber urplötzlich von dem Seeungeheuer Titanosaurus angegriffen und vollständig zerstört, wobei ein Großteil der Besatzung ums Leben kommt. Wenig später wird in Gedenken an diesen Vorfall die Akatsuki Nr. 2 für den Kampf gegen Titanosaurus gebaut. Kategorie:Kampffahrzeuge & Waffen Kategorie:Fahrzeuge & Geräte
- thumb|400px|Az AkatsukiAz Akatsuki a történet egyik legfontosabb szervezete. Tagjaik hosszú nyakú, fekete, vörös felhős mintájú köpönyeget és egy-egy egyedi gyűrűt viselnek. A falvakban kalapot hordanak, hogy ne fedjék fel a kilétüket.
- The Akatsuki was a secret organization which gathers most of the major villains and later the primary antagonists in the Naruto series. The Akatsuki contains over 10 official members, a handful of unofficial members, and all except for one are males. It was founded by Yahiko, and Konan with Nagato as the leader though he acts under the alias, Pain.
- Bei der Akatsuki (jap. bedeutet roter (Aka) Mond (Tsuki)) handelt es sich um eine Organisation welche grundsätzlich nur aus S-Rang Nuke-Nins besteht. Zu ihnen zählen also mitunter die stärksten, bekannten Ninjas, welche alle in dem Bingo Buch ihres jeweiligen Reiches, in welchem sie zum Ninja heranwuchsen, eingetragen sind.
- Akatsuki L' est l'organisation criminelle la plus activement recherchée dans le monde ninja. Exceptés Konan et Nagato, ses membres sont tous des ninjas répertoriés au Bingo Book. Son objectif affiché est la domination du monde et pour ce faire, leurs membres jouent les mercenaires auprès des différents pays et tentent de capturer tous les bijû afin de ramener Jûbi à la vie et d'instaurer une « paix » durable.
- Akatsuki is a major location in the Tegami Bachi series.
- Akatsuki is a Fakemon who resembles a human Adult with horns and Dark bone like armor covering his body.
- was a group of shinobi that existed outside the usual system of hidden villages. Over the course of several decades, Akatsuki took different forms and was led by different individuals. Though each iteration is viewed as either subversives or criminals, all seek to make the world a better place through their own means. Each Akatsuki tends to have multiple lairs across the world, inaccessible either due to their remoteness or the various security measures that protect them.
- Akatsuki is a shounen Japanese manga series written and illustrated by KOIDE Motoki and was published in Shōnen Rival.
- L'Akatsuki, letteralmente "Luna Rossa" (Aka=Rosso, Tsuki=Luna), in italiano adattata "Organizzazione Alba", è un organizzazione criminale ed è comparsa per la prima volta nella prima serie, ed è divenuta, nella seconda serie, uno dei principali nemici dei protagonisti. La prima apparizione dei membri dell'organizzazione si ha con Itachi Uchiha e Kisame Hoshigaki, quando essi arrivarono al Villaggio della Foglia per rapire Naruto e presero parte ad un mini-scontro contro Asuma e Kurenai. Verso la fine intervenne Kakashi che subì subito un attacco da parte di Itachi e del suo Sharingan Ipnotico. La prima riunione dell'Organizzazione si ha invece nel capitolo 238.
- Akatsuki 「アカツキ, Akatsuki ?」 es una joven asesina en el juego MMORPG Elder Tale, que se une al equipo de Shiroe y Naotsugu. Pese a su aspecto, tiene 20 años y antes de quedar atrapada dentro del juego hacía un post-grado universitario. Su clase secundaria es Rastreador, lo que mejora sus habilidades de asesina aún más con las habilidades de sigilo y detección Akatsuki tiene una relación violenta con Naotsugu debido a su "perversión abierta" y por lo general recurre a la violencia preventiva para detener sus comentarios pervertidos antes de que éste pueda hablar.
- is a criminal organization comprised of S-rank and is the most wanted group in the shinobi world.
- The meito Akatsuki (暁, Dawn), supposedly an O Wazamono grade sword, is a Chōkuto wielded by Marine Commodore Jim Hawkins. The sword, with its jet black sheath and guard-less hilt, is counted among one of the twenty-one finest katanas in the world and is known for its immense durability and unnatural sharpness. It is said Jim faced off against Marine captain Tashigi in order to gain possession of the blade.
- (As of March 20, 2009) Leader: (70 EK) - Tobi Members (12)
* (12 K) - Hidan The Immortal
* (17 D) - Zetsu The Cannibal
* (17 K) - Kisame The Beast
* (20 ED) - Puppet Master
* (22 RP) - Kakuzu The Mercenary
* (24 D) - Sasori Of The Red Sand
* (26 RP) - Reptile
* (32 MS) - Deidara The Artist
* (32 MS) - Eaten
* (35 MS) - Edorelanner
* (48 MS) - Saint J
* (9 P) - Edorelannner
- thumb|left|200px|Akatsuki Akatsuki (暁) ("roter (Aka=Rot) Mond (Tsuki=Mond)" bedeutet "Morgendämmerung") ist eine Organisation von Kriminellen, sogenannten Nuke-Nin, die Tobi, der sich selbst als Madara Uchiha bezeichnet, nach eigenen Angaben, nach der Niederlage gegen Hashirama Senju gegründet hat. Alle Mitglieder von Akatsuki sind Verbrecher der Fahndungsstufe "S", die ihre Heimatdörfer verraten und sich der Organisation angeschlossen haben. Das Ziel der Organisation ist das Extrahieren aller Bijuu. Aus diesen will Pain die ultimative Waffe erstellen, um der Welt seine Interpretation von Frieden aufzuzwingen. Akatsuki arbeitet anfänglich im Verbogenen; vollzieht Attentate und Spionage, ohne großes Aufsehen zu erregen. In Naruto Shippuuden wird die Gruppe jedoch wesentlich aktiver und nimm
- The Akatsuki (あかつき号 Akatsuki-gō) is a ship in where the Overlord of Light's spirit mysteriously appeared to personally give the seed of Agito to the passengers aboard. After blessing them with the power, the ship was attacked by the El of the Water sent by the Overlord of Darkness, in fear his brother would grant the Agito seeds to the passengers. The El fought Tetsuya Sawaki as he awakened as the 2nd Agito, fighting him and ultimately throwing him in the ocean. While he'd been unable to defeat the El Lord, Agito had held him off long enough for a policeman named Makoto Hikawa to see a storm overcoming the Akatsuki boat and jump in the water to save possible survivors. He managed to save everyone but Tetsuya, who was declared "lost at sea". From that point on, the lives of the blessed pass
- Akatsuki (暁, Akatsuki, literalmente Amanecer) fue, en sus comienzos, una organización que buscaba acabar con la tiranía y la opresión a través de medios pacíficos, pero que pronto cambiaría sus métodos hasta volverse una organización criminal constituida por varios ninjas renegados de Clase S que se convirtieron en los principales antagonistas de la serie Naruto: Shippūden.
- ORB-01 Akatsuki is a mobile suit developed by the ORB nation in secret. Commissioned by Uzumi Nara Athha, the previous leader of ORB before his death, it was developed exclusively for his adopted daughter Cagalli, should she be in need of more power. However, when her duties forced her to remain on Earth, she handed it down to a then-amnesiac Mu La Flaga under the name Neo Roanoke. The Akatsuki represents the pinnacle of ORB technology, combining the versatility of the Strike with their own cutting edge prototype technologies. The machine's shimmering golden outward appearance is due to a special coating called Yata-no-Kagami, a mirror-based armor that can reflect beam shots back at their source. This armor is so potent that it is even able to completely deflect a blast from the Minerva's
- Akatsuki (Japonca: 暁 - aka:kırmızı, tsuki:ay, Kırmızı Ay,Şafak anlamlarına gelir), köylerine ihanet etmiş kaçak-ninlerden oluşan kurgusal bir suçlu organizasyonudur. Her üyesi S-sınıfı olarak adlandırılan Jōnin-üstü bir seviyeye erişmişlerdir. İlk olarak Kisame Hoshigaki ve Itachi Uchiha'nın Naruto Uzumaki'yi yakalamak üzere Konoha'ya gelişinde ismi açığa vurulan topluluk, o zamanlar dokuz ninjadan oluşmaktaydı. Daha sonra edinilen bilgilere göre Orochimaru'nun da eskiden bir Akatsuki üyesi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır, fakat Orochimaru'nun örgütten ayrılmasından sonra örgüt 9'dan fazla üye almamıştır.