| - deutscher Philosoph
- Friedrich Engels (28 November 1820 – 5 August 1895) was a German social scientist and philosopher, who developed communist theory alongside his better-known collaborator, Karl Marx, co-authoring The Communist Manifesto (1848).
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- Friedrich Engels, per gli amici Freddy o Karl's Engels, è stato un filosofo tedesco conosciuto solamente per essere stato amico del celebre fricchettone beatnik Karl Marx. Pare che assieme a Marx egli abbia scritto il Manifesto del Partito Comunista e invetato il panino con würstel e patatine fritte. In seguito partì per El Paso in Texas, dove avrebbe fondato una comune, vivendo in promiscuità sessuale con 15 minorenni dalle quali avrebbe avuto un numero spropositato di figli.
- Friedrich Engels (* 28 Novembre 1820 en Barmen (oji a Wuppertal) + 5 Agosto 1895 en London) ia es un politico, comersiante, filosofiste e istorior militarial. El ia developa con Karl Marx la teoria revoltante sosial aora nomada Marxisme.
- Friedrich Engels was a prominent German communist philosopher and British industrialist. He co-wrote (with Karl Marx) theCommunist Manifesto, and also used the profits from his Manchester textile mill to provide Marx with financial support in his writing of Das Kapital. His Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State had a large influence on the development of Marxist class theory andhistorical determinism. Ironically, it was drawn mostly from Ancient Society by Lewis Henry Morgan, an American capitalist railroad tycoon and Republican politician. Adapted from RationalWiki