| - Tanya and Victor head off to a cousin's wedding, leaving Raven in charge of the house, as well as keeping Cory out of trouble. Eventually, Cory pulls out an envelope and insists that Raven throw a party, but Raven says "no". Then Cory pulls out his backup plan: he uses Raven's jam in order to make her think she broke Tanya's antique lamp (which was a wedding present from Grandma, as Raven puts it). Afterwards, as punishment for having a party behind their backs, Victor makes Raven and Cory wash the dishes. Meanwhile, Tanya is addicted and has fun on the mechanical bull.
| - Tanya and Victor head off to a cousin's wedding, leaving Raven in charge of the house, as well as keeping Cory out of trouble. Eventually, Cory pulls out an envelope and insists that Raven throw a party, but Raven says "no". Then Cory pulls out his backup plan: he uses Raven's jam in order to make her think she broke Tanya's antique lamp (which was a wedding present from Grandma, as Raven puts it). After searching on the Internet for the price of the lamp, Cory and Raven are shocked to discover that the antique lamp is expensive. Raven then looks into her cheap money pig and ask Cory for the money. Then Cory suggests Raven throw a party in order to raise money for replacing the antique lamp. After Raven agreed to the plan, the party gets out of control, making Raven really worried that other stuff would actually break. Soon the phone rings and Chelsea picks it up, not knowing that it's Reverend Mattson on the other line. He tells her that he would come right now, and Chelsea agrees. Meanwhile, Victor and Tanya are stuck in traffic, and Victor tells the GPS (which he names Sasha) to take an alternative route. However, Tanya gets mad that Victor named the GPS, and thinks he loves the system more than her; as a result, they reach a dead end. Luckily, they work things out, and Victor says he loves Tanya more. Victor then suggests that he did see a sign for a hotel a few miles up the road, and says that they have "our own little vacation without the kids", and Tanya takes a liking to that idea. At the party, Raven manages to calm the party people in the kitchen and then distracts them by throwing food into the living room, before letting the reverend inside the kitchen. Raven's jam goes on, but she can't control her dancing and tries her best to stop; the reverend gives Raven her internship and finally leaves. Afterwards, Raven relaxes and rides the mechanical bull. However, after coming back to the house to retrieve his glasses (which he had accidentally left behind), the reverend sees the party and takes Raven's internship back, but changes his mind after Cory tells him and Raven about Raven's breaking the cheap imitation of the antique lamp and his earning the money just for himself. Although the reverend returns Raven's internship, he says he will tell their parents. Afterwards, as punishment for having a party behind their backs, Victor makes Raven and Cory wash the dishes. Meanwhile, Tanya is addicted and has fun on the mechanical bull.