| - Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Lima is a city of about 7.6 Million peopel in Peru, it is the capital and largest city in the country. There used to be an ice rink in the city.
- Lima is a city on Earth, located on the South American continent. Lima is one of United Earth's administrative capital cities. (ST reference: Star Charts) While temporally displaced to 2045, Dr. Elizabeth Dehner, posing as Dr. Sally Bellero, was ordered to report to Lima, where she would then be taken by wingboat to Antarctica. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)
- Lima, Peru was one of the smaller cities to survive the Atomic War. It was first depicted in the Shamballa world map Of the rest of Peru, all that's been mentioned is that fungoid growths are found across the jungle. The Annunaki aliens had a base in South Peru during the dawn of mankind. In 2117, the corrupted InterDep had Blue-15 Strike Squad attack Lima as part of a grand plan to destroy the Earth’s Judges and place the planet under martial law.
- Common Oceanian
- Lima is the capital and largest city in Peru. Located next to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, it is in a central location of the country. Founded by Spanish conquistadors in 1535, it served as the most important city under Spanish colonization and became the capital when Peru achieved independence. Lima is home to many museums, churches, the University of San Marcos, and Universidad Municipal de Lima.
- Lima es la capital de Peru.
- Lima is the capital and largest city of Peru.
- Lima is the capital of Peru.
- Limat eli Slimet ovat Alpha -versiosta lähtien pelissä ollut aggressiivinen joukko. Kuollessaan pienet limat pudottavat limapalloja. Limalla on neljä eri kokoa: pieni, keskikokoinen, suuri ja jätti (joka ei spawnaa luonnollisesti). Magmakuutio on limojen vastine Hornassa.
- S[ANCTA] ROSA V[IRGO] LIME[NSIS] ORD[INIS] S[ANCTI] DOMIN[ICI] Santa Rosa da Lima con l'abito dell'ordine, in stazione eretta ed il capo raggiante.
- Service in Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese if you speak slowly. Dishes range from 700 to 1500 yen.
- The firm of Lima Locomotive Works was an American company that manufactured railroad locomotives from the 1870s through to the 1950s and also built Steam shovels. The company took the most distinctive part of its name from its main shops location in Lima, Ohio. The shops were located between the Baltimore & Ohio's Cincinnati-Toledo main line and the Nickel Plate Road main line and shops. The company is best known by railway enthusiast for producing the Shay geared logging steam locomotive, and for being the home of William E. Woodard's "Super Power" advanced steam locomotive concept - exemplified by the prototype 2-8-4 Berkshire, Lima demonstrator A-1. In the construction & mining world they are known for the Lima Stream shovels and draglines.
- Limaday.png|Lima at daytime Limanight.png|Lima at night Lima is the capital city and largest city in , in . It has a population of 8.47 Million people and it is a .
- Lima is the capital and largest city in Peru, as well as the capital of Lima Province. It is the cultural, industrial, financial, and transport hub of the country. The city is located in an area encompassing the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers. It lies on a desertic coast adjacent to the bay in the Pacific Ocean where its port was built and named Callao. Edit this section or read more
- Lima is a cadet of astrosaurs academy.I,Lee Ching,made this.
- thumb|140px|Lima. Lima es un personaje que aparece en la película Shin Chan: en busca de las Bolas Perdidas. Su verdadero nombre es Tsuyoshi o Kiyoshi (En la película no queda claro cuál de los dos nombres es es suyo, por lo que el otro nombre será el de Lavanda). Junto a sus hermanas Rosa y Lavanda, forma parte del Clan de los Mariconchis, la jefa del cual es su madre. Es un travesti que siempre va vestida de color amarillo y con la cabeza afeitada.
- Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre étymologie
* du latin līma(m)Catégorie:Issu du latin
* cognats ou correspondants dans d'autres langues : esp., it. , pt. id. ; cat. llima
* singulier : lima [ˈlimo̞]
* pluriel: limas [ˈlimo̞s] prononciations
* l. : [ˈlimo̞] 1.
* lime références
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, , 1.