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- # Talk to Aeira using the newly obtained keyword. She recalls that the book is no longer in stock.
# Talk to Aeira with the keyword again. She explains that the publisher has decided to print another volume of it.
# The owl will deliver you a quest titled "Receive a Book from Aeira" soon.
# Once the owl's quest is received, go to Aeira to obtain the book The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog.
# Read it to obtain the keyword “Paradise”.
# Talk to Tarlach using the keyword “Paradise”. He'll take your book and give you a Brown Fomor Pass and a Red Wings of Goddess, which allows one and his/her party to instantly teleport to Barri Dungeon.
- # Drop any item onto Fiodh Dungeon's altar. You may bring a party.
#*It's the same as a normal Fiodh dungeon.
# Obtain the Magic Powder of Preservation from the dungeon reward chest. As with the Fomor Medal quest, the magic powder may come from any reward chest, so be sure to check your partymates' chests if you did not get it from yours.
#* Bug: Sometimes if it appears in other player's chests, they can pick it up, but then they can not give it to you. If this happens you will have to repeat the dungeon.
#* Multiple players doing this quest can each get a Magic Powder of Preservation at the reward chamber without having to repeat the dungeon.
#* The powder can also be obtained while helping with the G3 Fiodh dungeon.
# Give Tarlach the powder and receive Tarlach's Preserved Broken Glasses and a Red Wing of Goddess which allows you and your party to instantly teleport to Rabbie Dungeon.
- # Complete the quest by talking to Kristell.
# After receiving Kristell's owl, talk to Kristell again. She refuses to give you the book.
# Talk to Tarlach. He understands how Kristell feels, but he still can't leave. He asks the player to retrieve something that he entrusted to Meven.
# Meven directs the player to Lassar. Complete the quest and obtain the keyword “Meven's Request”.
# Talk to Lassar using the new keyword and be sure to have a Holy Water of Lymilark. She vows to send an owl when she's ready. Wait in a place where it is possible to receive an owl's message .
#*Holy Water of Lymilark can be obtained from Endelyon, Kristell, Comgan, or Heulfryn's part-time jobs.
- #*This RP is exactly the same thing as the Mores' RP, except the scenes include Shiela.
#* Note: Even though she is technically an incorporeal ghost, Shiela is still a regular character and can be attacked and killed by enemies.
# Clear the dungeon and obtain the keyword “Cichol”.
# Talk to Tarlach about this new keyword. He will finally realize that he and his friends were manipulated by the Fomors, and change his thoughts about the Goddess. He asks that you assist him to end the Fomor's meddling with Morrighan and destroy Glas Ghaibhleann.
- # Read The Book of Revenge and obtain the keyword “Mores”.
# Talk to Duncan using the keyword “Mores” and obtain a new keyword “Mores Gwydion”.
# Talk to Tarlach using the new keyword and obtain the keyword “Mores' Lost Property”. He'll direct you to Eavan.
# Talk to Eavan of Dunbarton about “Mores' Lost Property”. She'll direct you to Kristell.
# Talk to Kristell using the same keyword and obtain object A Half of a Torque and a Red Wings of Goddess which allows one to instantly teleport to Math Dungeon.
- Important: Note that you must be the party leader if you want your party to enter the dungeon of your dropped item.
# While in a 3-person party, drop Tarlach's Locket onto the altar of Alby Dungeon.
# Upon clearing the RP dungeon, obtain the keyword “Goddess Morrighan”.
#* The dungeon is slightly longer than a normal Alby.
- # Drop A Half of a Torque onto the altar of Math Dungeon.
#* It is about a quarter or half of a normal Math Dungeon.
#*Mores is an incredibly powerful Druid. He knows Rank 1 of each Icebolt, Firebolt & Lightning Bolt. In addition, he knows an ancient ability called Chain Casting, which allows him to multiply a casted bolt into 5.
#*Boss is 6 Ghost Armors, but you only need to defeat 3 to view the cutscene that will end the RP.
# You will obtain the keyword “Morrighan's Revenge” upon completion.
- # Talk to Goro using the keyword “Priest's Token”. He states the words "Dul Brau Dairam Shanon", on the Medal, but he'll translate it if you obtain a ring for him. You should receive a quest shortly, along with a "Goro's Ciar Fomor Pass".
#* Access Alby Arena by purchasing Alby Arena coins from Ranald in Tir Chonail and dropping a coin on the Alby altar.
# Enter the dungeon using his pass.
#* The dungeon must be done solo.
#* It's about the same dungeon as Ciar Beginner.
#* The ring is 2x2 in size, so be sure to have room. It comes from the dungeon's reward chest.
#* If you somehow lose the pass, talk to Goro with the keyword again. He'll provide another one.
# Present the recovered ring to Goro. He reveals the script's meaning, “Goddess, please lend me the moonlight...”. Complete the quest and receive the new keyword “Dul Brau Dairam Shanon”.
# Talk to Tarlach regarding the new keyword. He states that Goro's translation is false, and tells you the true meaning of the script: "Oh Goddess. Please bestow me with your powers."
# Talk to Goro using the fixed keyword. He offers an apology by revealing a traitorous Succubus living and hiding in Dunbarton.
- # After obtaining 4 pieces, buy a quest from Dougal and combine them into one.
#* The pieces are tradeable, as well as the completed orb. Therefore, the pieces and orb can be vended through a Personal Shop.
#* You can drop them but no one can loot them. In other words, drop-trading these items is not allowed. You must manually trade them.
#* You may bring up to 8 people while doing the gem dungeons.
#The Bosses of each dungeon are as follows:
#* Green Gem Dungeon: 3 Heavy Gargoyles, 5 Light Gargoyles
#* Blue Gem Dungeon: 3 Lycanthropes
#* Red Gem Dungeon: 1 Nightmare Humanoid
#* Silver Gem Dungeon: 1 Dark Green Golem, 6 Metal Skeleton (Light Armor)
- # Talk to Kristell using the keyword “Dul Brau Dairam Shanon”. She'll hand over "Tarlach's Glasses Pouch" and a "Red Wing of Goddess" to Rabbie Dungeon.
# Drop Tarlach's Glasses Pouch on the altar of Rabbie Dungeon.
#* The dungeon is the same as a normal Rabbie Dungeon, and thus can be rather long.
#*It is recommended to get Tarlach the Counterattack skill by melee-ing a Skeleton or Skeleton Wolf while it is in counter.
#*You may also pick some of the herbs and get the Butterfinger title. This will give extra defense and lower your luck and dexterity which do nothing to help you.
#*The boss is a Succubus form of Kristell, who will aggro you if you are in range.
#**It is recommended to use fully-charged Firebolt on her.
# Upon her defeat you will obtain the keyword “Kristell's Past”.
# Talk to Kristell using this keyword and obtain the keyword “Kristell's Message”. She wants to know how Tarlach is doing because she misses him dearly.
# Talk to Tarlach with the keyword “Kristell's Message”. Tarlach will want you to ask Kristell to translate the Book of Evil.
- # Drop the pair of glasses on the altar of Rabbie Dungeon while in a 3-person party.
#*The dungeon is 2 floors long and is similar to Albey Normal, except the last floor only contains the boss.
#*The room containing the miniboss is already enclosed when you reach it. Simply click the door to enter it.
#*The miniboss is 7 Ghost Armors. Once those are defeated, the Boss, Dark Lord will appear.
#*The Dark Lord has 100% Protection against both magic and melee, so only Mari can defeat him. He will drop his Boss Key which allows you to open the boss room door and end the RP.
#*Trivia: When you open the boss door, you can see some Black Town Rats, but you can't do anything to them. The dungeon ends when you open the door.
#*All three party members must be present at the end to successfully complete the mission. If you fail the dungeon, talk to Tarlach to receive another set of glasses.
# Clear the dungeon and obtain the keyword “Morrighan's Betrayal”.
- Important: Ensure that you are the party leader before dropping the pass on the altar
# Drop the Brown Fomor Pass on the altar of Barri Dungeon.
- # Talk to Kristell using the keyword “Morrighan's Revenge”.
# Talk to Duncan using the same keyword. He wants to read "The Book of Revenge".
# Talk to Tarlach. He'll give you the book.
# Bring the book to Duncan. He is under the impression that the book is actually a trilogy. He then asks that you retrieve the other 2 parts of the book.
# Talk to Kristell. She suggests talking to Aeira.
# Complete the quest and receive an owl from Aeira.
# Talk to Aeira. Complete the quest to receive the “Wizard's Note” keyword and the item . She will also give a Red Wings of Goddess to Ciar Dungeon.
# Drop the Wizard's Note on the altar of Ciar. It is a normal Ciar Dungeon, and you may bring a party along.
#* If you lose the note or fail the dungeon, use the keyword on Aeira to receive another.
# Obtain The Book of Revenge, Vol II inside the reward chest .
- # Talk to Duncan using the keyword “Morrighan's Betrayal”.
# Exit the client and re-login to see the goddess' second message. You will obtain the keyword “Goddess' Request” and the Pendant from the Goddess.
# Talk to Duncan using the new keyword and obtain the keyword “How to Reach Tir Na Nog”. He refers you to Tarlach on this subject.
# Bring the new keyword to Tarlach. Although he wishes to join you, he can't do anything in his current state to take you to Tir Na Nog. He gives you a warning that Tir Na Nog is dangerous and you cannot resurrect without the help of friends.
# Wait a half a day Erinn-Time to receive a quest from Duncan. Talk to him again and complete the quest to obtain The Other Half of a Torque & Red Wings of Goddess which allows one or more to instantly teleport to Math Dungeon.
- # Talk to Dougal using the new keyword, and give him the Pendant from Goddess.
# Receive the Pendant from Goddess .
- # Talk to Aeira. She says Lassar has the last part.
# Talk to Lassar, who will refer you to Seumas.
# Seumas asks a favor in return for handing over the book. He wants the player to deliver an item to his son, Sion. He's in Bangor next to the mill.
#*Clear the current quest before delivering the item or Sion will not take it.
# Obtain The Book of Revenge, Vol III from Seumas.
# Talk to Kristell to ask for her to translate it.
# An owl soon arrives from Kristell. Talk to her and obtain the translated text.
- # Talk with the NPC Bear at the altar far to the north of Sidhe Sneachta.
#* The NPC is a bear during the day, from 6:00 to 17:59, and is in human form during the night, from 18:00 to 5:59.
#* Duncan says the bear likes Mana Herbs, so gift the bear a Mana Herb by picking one from your inventory and dropping it onto him. Talk to him, and gift another herb, and talk again in a cycle until he gives you a keyword.
- # Upon logging in, you will see a cutscene of the Goddess, Morrighan, who is asking you for help. Wait a few minutes for an owl to bring you a quest .
# Find a lost earring among countless snowmen in the field of Sidhe Sneachta. A bulletin board in the snowfield will provide a vital clue in distinguishing the lone snowman within which the earring is to be found from all the others.
#* Look for the snowman with 16 teeth, then hit it repeatedly until you get the earring.
#* The snowman is located almost directly south of the portal to the Northern Field of Sidhe Sneachta, four snowmen down.
#* You must be the one to find it; you cannot accept another player's earring.
#* As of the new update, the snowman with the lost earring has a sparkling effect.
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- # Talk to Duncan using the keyword “Goddess Morrighan”, and he will then direct you to Meven, Tir Chonaill's priest.
# Talk to Meven using the same keyword. Obtain the new keyword “Night of Sidhe Sneachta” and the book The Goddess Who Turned into Stone.
- #Talk to Comgan in Bangor, Kristell in Dunbarton, and Endelyon in Tir Chonaill using the keyword “Fomor Medal”, then ask Meven.
#*Important: Meven will not give the new keyword until you've talked to the other three.
#*You can also talk to Meven first and then Comgan and he will give you the new keyword.
#You should have the keyword: "Priest's Token" after this.
- #* Mana Herbs can be found as a reward for doing Alby Dungeon, as well as in numerous other ways.
#** Because of the new update, the previous quest will reward you 8 Mana Herbs.
#* It usually takes about 2-5 of the Mana Herbs to obtain the keyword.
# Ask Duncan regarding the keyword “Tarlach”. Obtain the keyword “3 Missing Warriors”.
# Ask Lassar regarding the new keyword. She will suggest talking to Stewart in Dunbarton.
# Ask Stewart about the keyword. He will give you Tarlach's Locket and Red Wing of Goddess, which allows one and his/her party to instantly teleport to Alby Dungeon. NOTE: You must be the leader of the party, or only you will teleport. This applies to all wings given to the player.
- # Once an owl delivers Lassar's message, retrieve the Black Rose from Lassar, then return to Tarlach.
# Tarlach requests that the rose be given to Kristell.
# Bring the Black Rose to Kristell and complete the quest. Obtain the translated volume of The Book of Revenge.
- # Talk to Duncan using the keyword “Glas Ghaibhleann's Bone”. He'll refer you to Tarlach.
# Talk to Tarlach using the same keyword, and agree to find him a "Magic Power of Preservation", which is found in Fiodh. You will be given a quest for this.
- Then, he will suggest going to Sidhe Sneachta during the nighttime.
# Use the keyword “Night of Sidhe Sneachta” on Tarlach and obtain the keyword “The Land of Eternity, Tir Na Nog”.
- # Read The Book of Revenge, Vol III [translated] and obtain the keyword “Glas Ghaibhleann”.
# Talk to Duncan using the keyword “Glas Ghaibhleann” and lend him the translated text. The keyword “Destructive Glas Ghaibhleann” should be given to you, and you're directed to find Bryce in Bangor.
# Talk to Bryce using the keyword. Obtain the new keyword “Glas Ghaibhleann's Bone” and the book The Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann.
- # While in a 2-person party, drop the torque on the altar of Math Dungeon.
- Important: Only the party leader will be able to remove the piece from the orb, all other attackers will not damage it
# Drop each colored gem on the altar of Albey Dungeon and clear all.
# Strike the black orb at the reward chamber five times to obtain a Piece of the Black Orb.
- # Drop Black Orb on the altar of Albey Dungeon.
#* If all party members are knocked unconscious, there is no choice but to obtain another Black Orb, or have another player outside the dungeon use an Advanced Feather on one party member.
#* If the party leader disconnects, the other members can continue. However, upon opening the boss room they will be removed from the dungeon and receive a failure cinematic
#* This dungeon consists of 2 floors, and has rooms containing Light Gargoyles.
# Defeat the boss.
#* Obtain the keyword “Glas Ghaibhleann's Rebirth”.
Note: After clearing Black Orb, all dungeons in Albey will become darker, and there will be endless rain in Tir Na Nog until the player finishes the final dungeon.
*This does not apply to those who have already finished G1, or have yet to finish Black Orb.
- Important: Ensure that you are the party leader before dropping the pass on the altar
# Drop the Black Evil Pass on the altar of Barri Dungeon on Samhain .
#* If you have lost the pass, talk to Kristell about “How to Reach to Tir Na Nog” while having an appropriate slayer title equipped. You must also still be level 25+.
# Defeat monsters in the boss chamber and open the door in the reward chamber.
# Take the portal connecting Erinn and Another World. The player who had dropped Black Evil Pass will acquire the title the Seal Breaker of Another World upon entering Another World.
#* Nao Soul Stones cannot be used in Another World.
#* Since repairing of equipment is not possible, prepare well before entering Another World.
#* Bare necessities are sold by the NPC Dougal.
#* Arrows cannot be bought. However, Dingos found around Another World drop arrows frequently enough.
#* Another World also lacks Goddess' statues inside dungeons, so only party members are able to resuscitate unconscious players.
#* If a party is wiped out inside a dungeon and a player has dropped an equipment upon death, it is impossible to regain the item without returning to Erinn if the player respawns in Another World. However, by forcing a logout from Mabinogi the player will reappear at the entrance shrine of Albey Dungeon and can be revived to collect the equipment.
#**Type "/logout" to log-out if this happens.
#*You may also use the housing flyer method to return to Tir Na Nog at any time.
- #*
# Enter the boss chamber and obtain the keyword “Fomor Medal”.
# Obtain a Fomor Medal from the reward chest. It may come out of a partymate's reward chest instead of your own, so make sure to check theirs if you did not receive it from yours .
#* Bug: Sometimes the other party members can pick up the Fomor Medal, but it can be dropped and picked back up.
- # Ask Kristell to translate The Book of Revenge, Vol II.
# An owl will notify the player when Kristell has completed translating the text. Talk to Kristell and obtain the translated volume.
# Show the translated text to Duncan, who will then ask for the third volume.
# Talk to Aeira and complete the quest. Wait for her owl.