| - Xarantine (Zeta Leporis) was a binary A class star (ST reference: Star Charts) in the Beta Quadrant, located in the Hromi sector in a region of space bordering the Archanis sector and not too distant from the Tezel-Oroko system. It was orbited by at least six planets (Xarantine VI a gas giant), one of which was home to a civilization also known as the Xarantine. (ENT episode: "Sleeping Dogs", ST video game: Online) In the 22nd century, this space-faring society was frequently raided by Klingons, and when rival power the United Federation of Planets established itself in the region, the Xarantine became allies, although they never actually became members. One of the planets orbiting Xarantine boasted a drydock facility for Starfleet starships by at least the 2280s. The USS Excelsior headed to these facilities for repair in 2290 prior to exploring the Reydovan sector. (TLE novel: Excelsior: Forged in Fire) Xarantine also had a massive sensor array that was part of the Starfleet Perimeter Defense Network. USS Enterprise-E officer Data used the stellar array in late 2379 to verify the previous position and glith patterns of the freighter Caedera. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal) A short time later, the Enterprise-E was docked at the drydock for repairs after the Tezwan incident and prior to heading to Earth for the wedding of William T. Riker and Deanna Troi. The Enterprise's inspection team boarded and observed the crew while the ship was at Xarantine. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace) Xarantine was the site of a battle during the Borg Invasion of 2381. It is unlikely the Xarantine civilization, the drydock or the sensor array survived. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)