| - Duhara was tall, slim and beautiful with big dark eyes, full lips, long slender neck and the typical Domani coppery skin, but there was a meanness about her. She had worn, on both occasions we have met her, red skirts so dark they almost seemed black, although slashed with bright red. She moved gracefully, but stood almost rigidly straight. She looked at everyone as if she were wondering what wrongdoing they had been up to. Basically she was meaner than a snake, though only her mouth gave any outward hint.
| - Duhara was tall, slim and beautiful with big dark eyes, full lips, long slender neck and the typical Domani coppery skin, but there was a meanness about her. She had worn, on both occasions we have met her, red skirts so dark they almost seemed black, although slashed with bright red. She moved gracefully, but stood almost rigidly straight. She looked at everyone as if she were wondering what wrongdoing they had been up to. Basically she was meaner than a snake, though only her mouth gave any outward hint. Even the mention of male channelers made her angry. In TWoTC it is stated that during the execution portion of male channelers pogrom, Duhara participated eagerly, but her involvement was discovered and she received a stiff penance (because this Vileness happened mostly during the reign of the Amyrlin Sierin Vayu and Duhara was her Keeper of the Chronicles, it has still to be explained how Duhara was able to participate so eagerly, and so far from the White Tower.)