| - You start this scenario off with $10,000 of your own money. Pause the game and examine your park, as well as your rides list, and you will notice the following things:
* An Enterprise, Dodgems, and custom-designed Hover Bike Ride are located after the long straight paths from the entrance. All of them have their admission fees set to "Free".
* Some stalls and a Restroom have already been built.
* Two 'No-Entry' signs block off the front of the park from the middle.
* There is a rather large and quite impressive city located at the center of the park.
* There is a huge amount of empty space between the edge of the city and the park boundaries.
* There is a crashed flying saucer scenery object at the far end of the park.
* The Cash Machine and First Aid Room are already available. With the game still paused, price the pre-built rides as you see fit and hire some staff. Set their patrol areas if you wish. In addition, set research to minimum funding and uncheck everything except for gentle rides, thrill rides, and water rides. Next, unpause the game and demolish the two sloped path tiles that link the front of the park to the city. This will prevent your staff from wandering around the city instead of around the rides. Then, put some benches and bins around the stalls and open the park. Finally, with your starting cash, build a roller coaster that costs around $8,000 and spend the remaining $2,000 building flat rides. As you already have both the Cash Machine and First Aid Room available, do not hesitate to jack up the prices of your rides and build coasters with high nausea ratings. Preferred ride intensity aside, most guests are willing to pay fees for a roller coaster up to its excitement rating. Rounded down, this comes at the cost of eliminating virtually all possibilities of you receiving the "Best Value Park" award, which draws more guests, so it is a double-edged sword. Let your park run its course for a month or two. In the meantime, take a good look at the built-up city. You will notice that, in addition to the tarmac paths on the ground, there is also a very extensive underground and overhead path network. There is also a large number of hovercraft located throughout the entire city. If you need some free cash, go ahead and demolish the vehicles as well as the underground and overhead path networks. Demolishing all three should add about $4,000 to your cash-on-hand.