| - Crunchie (or Crunchy) is a colloquial term for members of any of a variety of eco-friendly subcultures/countercultures, typified by a preference for an idealized state of nature and environmental protection. Crunchies are often, but not necessarily, vegetarian, tending to the left/liberal end of the political spectrum. Typical dress styles involve clothing made of natural fibers, sandals or bare feet, kerchiefs, coarsely-woven fabrics, and simply-crafted jewelry. A small number of crunchies go to the extreme of not bathing regularly.
| - Crunchie (or Crunchy) is a colloquial term for members of any of a variety of eco-friendly subcultures/countercultures, typified by a preference for an idealized state of nature and environmental protection. Crunchies are often, but not necessarily, vegetarian, tending to the left/liberal end of the political spectrum. The term includes several, often distinct, subcultures. Those who might be termed "crunchie" may include vegans, hippies, rock climbing and hiking enthusiasts, organic farmers, marijuana-use proponents, and persons who adopt certain distinctive dress styles reflecting a "back to the land" sentiment. Typical dress styles involve clothing made of natural fibers, sandals or bare feet, kerchiefs, coarsely-woven fabrics, and simply-crafted jewelry. A small number of crunchies go to the extreme of not bathing regularly. Crunchies can be seen as an offshoot of the hippie counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s, embodying more of the environmental- and animal-protection ethos and less of the drug culture, music scene and anti-war identity. Demographically, crunchies tend to be college-educated members of the middle class.