Capitalist first, Decepticon second, Kickback is a con-man, a cheapskate, an opportunist, a hustler—or as he would put it, an entrepreneur. Unlike his fellow Combaticons, the Autobot-Decepticon war is to him merely an opportunity for networking, cutting deals, and making profit. He's an expert on all manner of weaponry and their market prices, and he prides himself on being able to sell anything to pretty much anybody. All he needs is a smile. Despite his reluctance to get involved in battle, he is never seen without full armaments.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Capitalist first, Decepticon second, Kickback is a con-man, a cheapskate, an opportunist, a hustler—or as he would put it, an entrepreneur. Unlike his fellow Combaticons, the Autobot-Decepticon war is to him merely an opportunity for networking, cutting deals, and making profit. He's an expert on all manner of weaponry and their market prices, and he prides himself on being able to sell anything to pretty much anybody. All he needs is a smile. Despite his reluctance to get involved in battle, he is never seen without full armaments.
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| - Capitalist first, Decepticon second, Kickback is a con-man, a cheapskate, an opportunist, a hustler—or as he would put it, an entrepreneur. Unlike his fellow Combaticons, the Autobot-Decepticon war is to him merely an opportunity for networking, cutting deals, and making profit. He's an expert on all manner of weaponry and their market prices, and he prides himself on being able to sell anything to pretty much anybody. All he needs is a smile. Despite his reluctance to get involved in battle, he is never seen without full armaments.