The Koenigsegg CCX is a 4.7L twin-supercharged V8 supercar. Production started in 2006 and ended in 2010. Koenigsegg produced only 14 exemplars. It is the fifth fastest production car in the world making it faster than the McLaren F1.
The Koenigsegg CCX is a 4.7L twin-supercharged V8 supercar. Production started in 2006 and ended in 2010. Koenigsegg produced only 14 exemplars. It is the fifth fastest production car in the world making it faster than the McLaren F1.
Der Koenigsegg CCX ist ein Super-Sportwagen der schwedischen Marke Koenigsegg und wurde von 2006 bis 2010 produziert.
Koenigsegg CCX występuje w Need for Speed: Carbon,Need for Speed: ProStreet(Tylko płatny dodatek),Need for Speed: Undercover,Need for Speed: Shift,Shift 2: Unleashed,Need for Speed: World,Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010),Need for Speed: No Limits.