| - The definition of Intergral in the description of a Intergral Manager means complete or all-round. Not only delegating but also maintaining, budgetiging, operational, create and execute policies, thinking and acting on a Operational, Tactical and Strategic level. The PDCA-cyclus is for the Integral Manager a peace of cake. He is able to switch between productive managementstyles, like management by walking around, by fear, by objectives, by measurement, by knowledge, by color, by missions, by results, by vitality, by coaching, by eyes, by perkele, by surprise, by process, by quotation, by optimism, by motivation, by practicality, by projects, by contract, by exception, by design, by consensus, by laboratory methods, by ROI, by facts, by strengths, by output, by statistics, by intermittent catheterization, by principle, by checklist, by constraints, by semantics, by imagination, by nose and by crisis. The Intergral Manager has the Natural, Adaptive, Administrative, Authenticated, Autority, Exploratative, Charismatical, Coaching, Commerce, Consultive Curious, Creative, Effective, Enterprising, Evolutionary, Firm, Focused, Horizontal, Inspiring, Intergral, Intuïtieve, Inspiring, Listening, Mental, Motivating, Morale, Modern, Multiple, New, Onconventional, Outstanding, Serving, Edurance, Participatfull, Professional, Processminded, Practical, Provocating, Political, Resonant, Shareful, Situational Spiritual, Stratigical, Personal, Technological, Transformational, Flexibel, Feminal and Worship set of leaderskills. The Intergral Manager is good at mailing, writing reading, talking, phoning, remembering, creativity, discussing, listening, selecting, judging, motivating, communicating, and cure ill employees..... all at the same time. At the end the integral manager is also a expert in the section where he works in, he has knowledge and the experience with the different job area of his staff. This way the Intergral Manager knows what the impact is of the action that is taken by his department on the Business and he can act as a coach or as a leader towards his teammembers and earn respect and credit within his teammembers as with his employee. He shares the respect and credit with the team working with, instead of claiming or not mentioning it. The Integral Manager can delegate different kinds of tasks to others without claiming it for himself, at the and when it comes to it, the Integral Manager is able to do these tasks himself without any deligation. "Sorry, i'm just a manager" , a phrase that refers more to Line Management. A management style with a limited set of skills that differs with a Intergral Manager.