| - Kyosuke (Otherwise known as Kyo) is the person who made this wiki. His identity is a mystery to many, but what is known is that he is one badass FREAKIN' Overlord. Kyo is the Overlord of the chat. He rules all and sees all that goes on. He is the alpha male of the chat, and is often the origin of at least half of the strange happenings that go on in the chat and the DR. Failure to comply with the rules of the chat will result in being told to GET OUT. He has one Pokemon in chat, a Meowzy, who lives in a customized Luxury Ball, with a window! And curtains! Do not mention chocolate, for he will chase you. In his spare time, Kyosuke often likes to take potato chips AND EAT THEM.
- The nine-tailed wolf, like most of his fellow bijuu, was a natural disaster summoned by unknown causes. However, unlike his counterparts, he was a non-violent animal, choosing instead to roam the land. He was usually found in an open plain, sleeping lazily. He ignored any humans that passed by, seeing them as only other creatures who also walked the land. To make himself less of a "sight to see", he often transformed into a human himself to visit villages under the name "Kyosuke". However, all of that changed when, in human form, he was confronted by descender Uchiha Kuruk Uchiha, who had a cocky attitude at the time, and he challenged Kyosuke to a fight. At first, Kyosuke refused, but Kuruk began nagging at him, until he finally gave in. They traveled to a field of open plains for their b
| - The nine-tailed wolf, like most of his fellow bijuu, was a natural disaster summoned by unknown causes. However, unlike his counterparts, he was a non-violent animal, choosing instead to roam the land. He was usually found in an open plain, sleeping lazily. He ignored any humans that passed by, seeing them as only other creatures who also walked the land. To make himself less of a "sight to see", he often transformed into a human himself to visit villages under the name "Kyosuke". However, all of that changed when, in human form, he was confronted by descender Uchiha Kuruk Uchiha, who had a cocky attitude at the time, and he challenged Kyosuke to a fight. At first, Kyosuke refused, but Kuruk began nagging at him, until he finally gave in. They traveled to a field of open plains for their battle arena. The fight started off as an adreanaline rush, each starting off with minor attacks like taijutsu and minor ninjutsu. Neither of them could gain the upper hand on each other, and soon, Kuruk was beginning to tire, forcing to switch to his most powerful ninjutsu. Kyosuke merely countered with his excellent chakra control, and soon the fight between them became more intense. Now, instead of a friendly duel, they were aiming to kill each other. Finally, desperate to win, Kuruk used the Spirit Bending technique, connecting with Kyosuke, and bending his spirit. But due to his demon chakra, it reacted in an unstable way, forcing Kyosuke's soul from his body. Kyosuke was immediately shocked and angered at Kuruk's surprise move, but could do nothing. After the soul of the nine-taild wolf was extracted, it was "locked" in its human form. In rage, Kyosuke swore revenge on Kuruk if they met again one day, vanishing off. A few days later, Kyosuke learned soon that he would dissipate in a few hours if he didn't find a host to reside in. Desperate to get his revenge against Kuruk, he traveled to the outskirts of Konoha and found Kyashi Urami, sealing himself into her body, which she didn't notice. When she came home later that day, her father Tora noticed it, and was now wary of her. He had a right to be, for a few days later, Kyosuke, learning the ways of the human body, he attempted to control and use Kyashi as a vessel to restore himself. In the attempt, white chakra swirled around her body in an untamed way. Kyosuke went so far as to taunt Kyashi that he was too powerful for her to control. Kyashi, realizing the presence inside her, began to use all of her own willpower to push him back, both shocking Kyosuke and forcing his chakra back into his body. From then on, Kyosuke gained a mutual respect of Kyashi, accepting her own strength.
- Kyosuke (Otherwise known as Kyo) is the person who made this wiki. His identity is a mystery to many, but what is known is that he is one badass FREAKIN' Overlord. Kyo is the Overlord of the chat. He rules all and sees all that goes on. He is the alpha male of the chat, and is often the origin of at least half of the strange happenings that go on in the chat and the DR. Failure to comply with the rules of the chat will result in being told to GET OUT. He has one Pokemon in chat, a Meowzy, who lives in a customized Luxury Ball, with a window! And curtains! Do not mention chocolate, for he will chase you. In his spare time, Kyosuke often likes to take potato chips AND EAT THEM.