| - The Republic of South Africa (commonly South Africa) is a country located in Southern Africa. It consists of five provinces - Transvaal (where the capital Pretoria is located), Orange Free State, Natal, Cape Province and South West Africa. To the north of South West Africa, the country is bordered by Angola and Zambia, and to the east by Botswana. To the north of Transvaal it is bordered by Zimbabwe (which South Africa does not recognize), and to the east of Transvaal it is bordered by Mozambique. There are a further twenty three states located on the borders and as enclaves in South Africa which are not recognized internationally (with some exceptions, such as Lesotho and Swaziland). They make out part of the Union of South African States, along with South Africa.
| - The Republic of South Africa (commonly South Africa) is a country located in Southern Africa. It consists of five provinces - Transvaal (where the capital Pretoria is located), Orange Free State, Natal, Cape Province and South West Africa. To the north of South West Africa, the country is bordered by Angola and Zambia, and to the east by Botswana. To the north of Transvaal it is bordered by Zimbabwe (which South Africa does not recognize), and to the east of Transvaal it is bordered by Mozambique. There are a further twenty three states located on the borders and as enclaves in South Africa which are not recognized internationally (with some exceptions, such as Lesotho and Swaziland). They make out part of the Union of South African States, along with South Africa. South Africa is unique in the international community for its system of racial segregation, known officially as "Apartheid" (which translates to apartness in English). Apartheid was developed after World War II by the Afrikaner-dominated National Party and Afrikaner Broederbond (Afrikaner Brotherhood). It was officially adopted in the 1948 general election, during which time South Africa was still a British dominion. Blacks have no political representation within the country, as their political affairs are considered to be within the domain of the independent enclaves of South Africa (commonly known as Bantustans or homelands). Indians and people of mixed racial origin, known as "coloreds", have minimal political representation. Although the vast majority of the world has condemned Apartheid, and is still enforcing strict sanctions on South Africa because of this, the ruling white minority has always justified it simply as "a system of good neighborliness" and "separate but equal" treatment. The country has a unique system of a multicameral sovereign Parliament, known popularly as the Multicameral Parliament. Parliament consists of three race-based houses, namely the most powerful House of Assembly for whites, the House of Representatives for coloreds, and the House of Delegates for Indians. Furthermore, the fourth house of Parliament is the President's Council, tasked with resolving disputes between the race-based houses and acting as the liaison with the executive branch of government. The State President is the head of the executive and widely considered to be the most powerful political office in South Africa, even more so than the officially supreme Parliament. The current State President is J.D. Grobler of the now-ruling Conservative Party.